My Little Friends' Brother (Louis)

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"CARRIE!!!" Little voices were being heard in the hallway. I turned around and see these little cute girls carrying their lunchbox. Daisy and Phoebe.

I gave them a sweet smile, walking into them.

"Well, hello there lovelies!" I kneeled so that our height will be even.

"So.. How's your day going?" Phoebe asked me. She's way too cute!

"Well, it's fine. Just a normal day actually." I answered her tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Oh. Are you going home now or what?" I asked the two cuties. They cutely nodded.

Im sorry for using the word 'cute' too much. But these kids are way too cute! I mean who would not love these princesses? Sometimes I just wish that they were my sisters. My classmates says that when Im with them Im like their big sister.

"Yeah, were about to go home now!" Phoebe said.

"And Louis will pick us up.." Daisy added. I raised my right eyebrow.

"Who's Louis?" I asked.

"Oh," they both giggled. "He's our big brother!" They answered me in unison.

"Why don't you come with us so that you could meet him!" Daisy pulled me by the wrist and they both lead me to the place where their brother is waiting.

We stopped in the parking area.

"Where's Louis?" Phoebe said while looking around, trying to find her brother. And Daisy is still holding my wrist with her two little hands. And suddenly, my phone rung.

"Ahm, just wait a sec, okay? I'll just answer this phone call." Daisy let go of me and they're still looking for their brother. I walked a few steps away from them and answer the call.


I think Im 5 minutes late to pick my sisters up. I parked the car and quickly went out, I know that those little girls don't like waiting. So I looked around and found them. I walked into them.

"How long you've been waiting here?" I asked them.

"Ahm, not that long.." Daisy answered me.

"So.. let's go?" I said and started to walk.

"NOOOOO!" They screamed in unison and it made me stopped so I got confused.

"Why? What's the prob?" I told them and Daisy went up to a girl who's talking on the phone. I looked at her but her back was facing me so I wasn't able to see her face.

I saw the girl ended the phone call and started to face us.


This. brunette. girl. is. amazing. Wow.

And she's the girl that I saw in Daisy and Phoebe's camera. And I swear I've fallen in love with that girl and she was that girl.

We made an eye contact but she suddenly gave me an incredible smile.

"Hi!" She said, letting her dimples show, offering her hand to me.

Im starstruck!

"Uhm.. Uh.. Hi.." I finally said with all my guts and we shook our hands.

"You're Louis right? Well, Im Carrie! Its nice to meet you!" She said. Oh God, her voice is amazing!

All I can do now was to stare at her beautiful face... She's freakin' amazing! I swear.

"Ooooooohh! Were those sparks on your eyes, Louis?" Phoebe teased me as I stare at Carrie and Daisy giggled. Oh these two little girls...

Carrie just stared at me with a big smile... And I just realized that I haven't responded to her.

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