In The Same Bedroom (Harry Styles)

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Last night, I was about to fall asleep when a scenario came in my mind. So this is the scenario that I thought last night.This story is so sooo sooo adorable, hihi! I hope you'll enjoy this.

In The Same Bedroom (Harry Styles):


"Were just staying here for 3 days. And since Harry's having his vacation, we decided to spend 3 days together.." I answer the reporter who stopped us from entering the hotel.

"But why is your little sister's here also?" the interviewer asked me whilst Harry is waving to the fans

"Well, my parents were on a business trip thats why I decided to take her with us" I explained.

"Oh, okay. Thanks for answering my questions Chloe"

"That's okay..." then the interviewer leave and I call Harry for us to enter the hotel.

"Miss, ahm, 2 rooms please" Harry said to the lady in the counter

"Sir, Im so sorry but there's only one room available..." the lady explained.

"What? How could that happen?" I asked the lady and my eyes widened

"Ma'am, since it was summer many tourists rented some room and many girls rented some room also last time, I dont know why"

"Urgh! I already know what the reason Hazza" I told Harry

"What?" he said fixing his hair

"Last time, ypu announced to the reporters that we will go here before we enter the airport" I said to him, jokingly hitting him on his shoulders.

"Aw shit, oh yeah" he suddenly realized

"-well we have no choice but to get that room" yeah, he's right. I sigh and I nodded signaling him to get the room.


"urgh! Im so tired" I mumbled as I throw myself on the medium size bed of our room and Abigail (my little sister) also did the same. 

"Here's your coffee Chloe.." Harry offered me a coffee and I take it.

I sip from my coffee and Abigail suddenly bumped my hand and it causes me to spill the cofee all over my white tank top. 

"Shi-, Abigail?? Look what you did!" I yelled from her

"Well, I'll just go to the CR but I didnt mean to do that..." she said with her little voice

"C'mon Chloe, she didnt mean that.." Harry defenses my sister and he carried her so that she can easily go to the restroom. 

Okay, I was pissed off. And I have no choice but to change my white top. But to be honest, I felt a little guilty on shouting at my little sister, I know she's innocent. I went to my suitcase and I opened it, trying to find a new top to wear that'll fit to my loose pants. I took my black tank top. And I was about to go to the rest room to change my clothes till I realized that Abigail's there. Okay, I have to wait for her. Then  the telephone of our room rung.. Harry answered it. 

"Hello?...... Uh, okay..... Okay....." he said through the phone

"Babe, someone is waiting for you in the lobby.." 

"Who's that?" I asked curiously. He just shrugged. 

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