Chapter 2

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Episode 2


Osomatsu was walking through the park, he was wondering where all of his siblings went

He had already found Choromatsu, but Osomatsu had ruined his meet-and-greet with Nyaa-chan. Now he was strolling through the park when he had noticed a familiar orange figure from the distance

She was wearing an orange off the shoulder long sleeved shirt and a white skirt with ruffles at the end of it. She was wearing black tights underneath and brown Mary Jane shoes

Satomatsu was sitting on a bench and she seemed to be drawing someone. Osomatsu wanted greet her to see what she was up to

Satomatsu had decided to walk around to draw something, after a bit of parkour and stretches, she settled on sitting on a random bench in the park

She was looking around when she had noticed a very cute girl sitting on another bench across from her, she was drinking a beverage while blankly starring somewhere

Satomatsu decided to draw her, she took out her sketchbook and pencil. She was so focused on drawing the pretty girl that she had failed to notice a certain red hoodie neet walking towards her direction

"Hey imouto!" Osomatsu greeted

This had startled her to the point where her sketchbook was sent flying, and without Satomatsu noticing, had landed in front of the girl she was drawing

"Ah!! O-Osomatsu nii-san!" Satomatsu said as she looks at her brother in shock

"Gosh.. You scared me!"

"Scared you? Pfft- why?? What were you drawing?" Osomatsu said as he looks at his sister with a suspicious look, still smiling

"I was just drawing something, no need to worry about it!" Satomatsu said in a panic, before she left a tap on her shoulder

She turns around to see the cute girl she was trying to draw. "Uhm... Excuse me?" The girl said

"U-uh.. Yes?" Satomatsu said as she tries to act casual

"You dropped your sketchbook and uh.. Couldn't help but notice that it looked familiar"

"Ah! Right! Uhm.. " before Satomatsu could explain herself, Osomatsu had cut to the chase

"Oh yeah it's you! My sister is a great drawer am I right?"

"Nii-san!!" Satomatsu yelled at him, she was a bit embarrassed about letting the girl know that she had drew her without permission

"What?" Osomatsu asked in confusion

"Oh well that's nice-" before the girl could say anything else, Osomatsu had yanked the sketchbook out of the girl's hand and starts flipping through the pages

"Here's some other art that she's made and- oh.. Damn that's hot" Osomatsu paused when he realizes that the drawings were more.. Risqué

The girl on the other hand looked mortified by the drawings

"Nii-san! Give it back!! It's my private sketchbook" Satomatsu exclaimed in embarrassed as she tries to take her sketchbook back, only for Osomatsu to push her back with his single hand as he continues to flip through

"Damn I didn't know my sister was this naughty, these look great! Could you draw this for me sometime?" Osomatsu said, there was slight blood dripping down his nose

"NO, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT!" Satomatsu yelled at him, she finally snatched the sketchbook back from Osomatsu and glared at him

"Don't ever look through my stuff without permission!" Satomatsu turns to girl with an apologetic smile

"I'm sorry..! You can just forget what you saw, if you want you can keep the sketch I mad-"

"O-oh uhm actually! I.. Have to leave, it's getting late ahahaha" she awkwardly laugh as she quickly runs off after getting her belongings

It was still evening

"Maybe if I buy you a plushie? If you give me your money I could totally get them for you!"

Osomatsu then felt pain in his stomach as Satomatsu did a hard kick, making him stumble back and holding his stomach

"Ouch! Ooo that was a good kick..!" Osomatsu said as he looks up at his sister, a dark aura could be seen. It did not match her smiling face

"Leave before I start beating you up nii-san"

Even with Satomatsu's sweet tone, her aura had a different story. The brothers knew that if she gave out the warning it was a sign to get the hell away

As Osomatsu left the park, Satomatsu let out a heavy sigh as she started calming down

She held the sketchbook tightly in her hands

"I guess it isn't entirely his fault.. I should probably apologize when I see him again"

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Take care of my siblings? Screw you!

Osomatsu was walking home late at night, after his talk with Chibita he was pissed

They're the ones who wouldn't play with me! I didn't do anything wrong! And what does being the eldest have to do with it?! That pisses me off the most

We're septuplets! We're all the same age!

Before Osomatsu opens the door to the living room, he hesitates

But then again.. I am technically the oldest..

He takes a deep breath, before sliding the door open with his guys shut

"Sorry about today, you guys! I didn't a lot of wrong things"

He opens his eyes to see his brothers and sister playing cards with a different guy

"Woah! You got a royal straight flush, new Osomatsu nii-san?" Jyushimatsu exclaimed

"You're good at this, new Osomatsu nii-san!" Todomatsu said as he pats the guy on his back

"Right? That's so cool!" Satomatsu compliments

"He's probably cheating" Ichimatsu said

"Hey Ichimatsu, he's not like the old Osomatsu" Choromatsu said with a smile


All of them started laughing as Osomatsu begins trembling

See, Chibita? This is how these guys are. I totally get them..

Because I'm the oldest!!

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Because I'm the oldest!!

"Who the hell are you?!" Osomatsu said as he push pass his siblings and punches the guy, sending him flying away from the house

Satomatsu could only smile at Osomatsu before hitting at the back of his head

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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