1. A Bomber Gets Trampled By Horses

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1. A Bomber Gets Trampled By Horses


Annabeth and I were planning to go to the movies this afternoon. We were trying to keep our plans secret, because we didn’t want any of our friends or the campers sneaking up on us and throwing us into the canoe lake again. Well, after the Titan war, we do need a break...right?

We were still gonna have the chariot race today. So Annabeth, Tyson, and I were discussing how we were going to play the race. Tyson was able to make a new chariot. It was exactly the same as the last one, except it was more stable. It was made mostly of metal, but the others would be thinking it was wood.

“How about we do something different this time? I can drive, Tyson can prevent the other chariots from getting close to us, and you’ll be defending me.” I was telling Annabeth.

She looked at my notes and shook her head. “We still lack something.”

Tyson looked up from his peanut butter sandwich and said, “I made new things we can use. Look!”

He took his bag and opened it. He dug out a huge shield which was light, a sword that bursts into flames when you will it to, a net, a pole which would be for him, and a few jars of Greek fire.

I said, “Woah! That’s what you’ve been working on for the last couple of weeks?”

Tyson blushed, “Yes, brother. I hope this will be useful.”

A voice behind us said, “Well, good luck beating us.”

We looked behind us. It was May Johnson, a daughter of Hecate who joined two years before I came to Camp Half-Blood.

Annabeth seemed amused, “Why do you say that?”

May did an evil grin. Uh oh, I was thinking. She’s probably gonna do something dangerous to the other chariots, including ours.

She said, “We’re gonna do a lot of dangerous stuff to the chariots. We’ve added more defenses than last week’s chariot race. We play offensive and defensive! High possibility that we will win.”

Tyson looked like he was going to cry. “But I worked hard for our defenses!” he whined.

I wasn’t going to let them win anyway. We won’t be doing chores for a month. More like both the Athena and Poseidon cabins are going to win.

May shrugged, “Well, I’m going to soften up the offense and defense so it won’t do much harm. It’s basically like getting caught off guard.”

BOBOMB1065: UNTRUE! She did not soften them up.

She left. We were quiet for a few minutes. Then we started making new plans for the chariot race.

The chariot race is starting already. We were getting excited as Chiron was in the audience. He motioned for all campers not joining the race to go back to the bleachers.

“Let the chariot race begin! On three!” he shouted.

“One...two...three!” Nico shouted.

They set off small fireworks. They changed the way chariot races start.

We started. The chariot of the Ares campers looked pretty wicked and awesome, except for the spikes on its wheels. It nearly got close to us, but Tyson pushed the chariot away. The Ares chariot crashed into the side of the Apollo chariot. Two chariots down, three more to go.

We completed the first lap. Now we were in the second lap. Soon, we might get to the third lap.

We were ahead of the other chariots now, but the Hephaestus chariot was closing in on us. Annabeth brought out a bow and a quiver of arrows. She aimed for one of the wheels. When she released it, it got stuck on the wheel. Then the wheel started to break. The chariot went out of the racing track. Now only two more chariots. We got through the finish line. We were getting close to finishing the race.

The Hermes chariot seemed to have a problem with the Hecate chariot. May was the one playing offense. She was locked in sword combat with Travis Stoll. Then she yelled something and the Hermes cabin was blown away from them. At least they didn’t topple over. The horses went crazy and stopped. Then Connor Stoll lost grip on the reins and fell off the chariot.

The Hecate chariot was closing in on us. And yet we were so close to the finish line. Just about ten more meters...

“Hey!” the driver yelled, “You ready for a surprise?”

Then May released something from a pouch. The thing looked cute, and it looked like one of those Bob-Ombs from the Super Mario games. It jumped on our chariot and the wind-up key on its back started turning.

It beeped, then said, “Self-destruct in 10, 9, 8...”

“Get it off the chariot!” I yelled.

Annabeth kicked the bob-omb away. It landed near the Hecate chariot.


May yelled to the driver and defender, “Get off the chariot!”

Then the bob-omb flashed red, and exploded.

The Hecate campers jumped off the chariot. May wasn’t so lucky. The horses went crazy and one of them trampled May. The chariot sailed into the air and was heading for May. She was still unconscious.

“Tyson, help her!” I said.

Tyson nodded. He used his long pole to hit the chariot just in time for May to crawl out of the way.

We crossed the finish line. We won! The campers started cheering.

Chiron yelled, “The winners are Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson! The reward is no chores for a month for the Athena cabin and Poseidon cabin!”

We were cheering. We were so carried away by celebrating that we didn’t notice someone yelling for help. It took me a while to realize that it was Nico.

“HELP! Something’s wrong with May!” he said frantically.

May groaned. She was only crawling. Every time she tried to get up, her face would turn pale and she would keep falling on the ground.

“Broken ribs. It’s no big deal. I’ve dealt with worse things.” She muttered.

“Like what?” Annabeth protested.

“Oh, like getting poisoned when I was fighting Ethan Nakamura. Like landing on my feet from fifty feet in the air and breaking my ankle. Like getting stabbed to near death and having to stay in the infirmary for two weeks!” she said with an angry tone.

Nico was stroking her head, “ It’s okay. We’ll get you to the infirmary soon.”

May started to relax. She let the Apollo campers lift her and put her on a stretcher. They carried her off to the infirmary.

Nico sighed. I looked at him, acting impressed. “So you became her boyfriend, huh?” I said.

He shot me an evil look, like the one Thalia gave me when I started talking about her mom. “That’s none of your business, Percy.” He muttered. I swear that I could see him blushing.

I started laughing so hard that I doubled over. Annabeth frowned at me.

“Percy, are you starting to get crazy?” she said in a concerned tone.

I stopped laughing. I stood up. “Well, are you starting to get crazy?” I said.

“Oh, well, aren’t you a shocker!” Annabeth joked.

We walked back to our cabins to dress up for our afternoon out. Movies. Just the two of us. Yay.

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