I hate it when people call me lazy.
Look I get it.
I know I might look lazy when I'm lying on my bed scrolling social media when I actually need to do some homework.
But inside my head
I'm in a constantstate of overwhelm.
I know I need to do my homework
I know i need to do the dishes
I know i need to text my friend back.
I know, okay?
I'm burnt out just thinking about all the little things I need to do.
I end up over analysing and overthinking everything.
And I end up in decision paralysis and do nothing.
I know you think ADD means that I shuld be physically hyperactive. I should be able to do all of these things.
But my hyperactivity is internalised.
It's all in my head.
And it causes me a huge amount of anxiety and overwhelm.
So please
Don't call me lazy.
It isn't a choice.
PoetryDit is een gedicht over hoe ikzelf in het leven sta als een tienermeisje met ADD en autisme. Veel mensen hebben onbewust een stereotypisch beeld gevormd over mensen met add, ass en adhd. Sommige mensen denken dat degene die op dit spectrum zitten al...