Nurgles love

755 10 7

It's a new day as we see Izuku waking up remembering what Happened yesterday and last night

Izuku: (man my life is crazy but also it's good)

Stocking: mmm *stretches* good morning master

Stocking gives Izuku a kiss on the cheek and snuggles up to him with a pleased smile on her face

Stocking: last night was fun

Izuku: yeah it was....I think we were a little too loud

Ai: naw I don't think so

Ai kisses Izuku on the cheek and cuddles up to him as well with a pleased smile on her face too

Ai: it's Sunday right

Izuku: yeah yesterday was Saturday

Ai: good that means you can stay here with us

Izuku: are you sure your mom will be ok with me staying over longer

Stocking: definitely if anything I think she wants granbabies

Izuku: h-huh

Ai: yeah are moms always bugging us about finding the right man

Stocking: and that we did because we have you master

Izuku: aww that's sweet

Ai: so......wanna go again

Izuku: Again

Stocking: I don't mind some ~good morning sex~

Ai: ~me neither~

Izuku: w-wait hold on can we at least go eat breakfast

Ai/stocking: hmm...ok

The three get up out of bed and get dressed and head downstairs to see Camilla cooking breakfast and a tired and pissed off kafka

Ai: good morning mom

Izuku: hello Ms. Camilla

Camilla: good morning you three I'm guessing you all slept well

Ai: yep

Stocking: you look like shit Kafka

Kafka: YOU THINK you motherfuckers started fucking at 6 then went all the way till fucking 3 in the damn morning so you know how hard it was to fucking sleep

Stocking: I bet you was playing with yourself


Camilla: now now kafka calm down please

Kafka: tch

Camilla: now then I made breakfast so enjoy

Izuku: well imma just Lea-

Camilla: you too Izuku you can eat as well

Izuku: r-really

Camilla: of course Any boy who's able to make my daughters scream like that is always welcomed here

Izuku: HUH wait your heard us

Camilla: definitely and I must say your quite the young man making this old lady feel lonely

Izuku: oh I'm sorry

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