4th Of What?

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(Pete and Porsche's New Room, A Week Later After The Shopping Date)

Pete laid down on his bed while Porsche laid down on the other

They were tired but from different reasons; Porsche was tired because of his continuous cycle of being a bodyguard for the main family at day and being a bodyguard for his little brother at night with only three hours of sleep in between while Pete was tired because of his sickness which causes him to wake up in the middle of the night to puke or feel aches all around his body to make him tired from it's pain like now.

" You know this is easier for you since you are not a bodyguard anymore but I am getting bullied by other bodyguards for staying at a 'baby' room and eating the rich like a real pampered omega" Porsche blurted out from his own bed,

Pete laughed still looking at the ceiling" I am sorry but I didn't think I could survive here without you back then" he excused himself out of guilt that he is the cause of his friend's bullying,

Porsche shakes his head " Now you think you can survive without me?" he asked, Pete thought about Kim, or Jeff whatever, now that he has Kim he thinks he has higher chance of surviving by himself but still he would be more bored than this if Porsche was not here

" No and yes?" he answered, Porsche shakes his head " Ungrateful child" Pete chuckled at that, he is actually way older than Porsche so this is funny to him " Be careful with what you say P'Porsche in my own universe I am older than you here"

Porsche raised his eyebrows in surprise " How old are you in your own universe?" he turned towards him on the bed, folding his arm, resting the side of his head on his palm while laying side-ways to look at Pete " I am twenty eight years old"

Porsche's mouth hanged open " You- wait then your birthday may be different too?" he asked,

Pete thought about it, there is no harm in telling his birthday to Porsche " Well my birthday in the other universe is June 4th" Porsche took his phone out and typed something before turning to Pete" So you are a Gemini in your own universe?" he asked amused

Pete nodded surprised by Porsche's sudden interest and amusement towards his birthday " What am I here?" he asked out of curiosity,

Porsche opened his phone again but this time he does not type anything " Here, you are aries" he frowned while looking more into his phone " Now that I am looking more in detail, this is very scary, because you also have aries venus with no water sign in your chart"

Pete laughed, he can't believe Porsche have old Pete's natal chart saved in his phone " I have five water signs and three earth signs on my chart in my own universe, I am made of water and earth, a true husband material"

Porsche looked at him snorting " In here you have zero water and four fire, I guess that makes you a emotional mess as well as a psychopath" Pete was now more interested in old Pete's birthday because that sounds like a unique chart to have

" When is my birthday in here?" he asked, Porsche puts his phone down and raised his free hand behind his head to scratch his hair" April fourth, nineteen-ninety seven" Pete looked surprised, he can't believe he is born at the same year as Bible here but before he can answer Porsche the half closed door opened making both of them panic as they thought someone heard something they shouldn't have.

" Talk about this with door half opened like that, what if you get caught P'Build?" Kim entered the room, closing the door behind him before locking it and throwing a shopping bag on Pete's bed,

Porsche's eyes got big and he stood up suddenly " Khun Kim!" he was about to bow his neck down out of respect but Kim stopped him " No need P'Po- I mean Porsche" Porsche looked confused as he watched Kim sat down in Pete's bed across him

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