Chapter 1.

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Cloudy sky, sounds of cars driving by, people trying to get somewhere, a normal day in Boston for Fredrick, he sighed miserably. He had moved to New York for a change, a new chapter in his life, now, Boston was the change he needed he thought at the time and it was, that had happened 19 years ago when he was in his late 30's now, he's 55 and ready for another change. Boston was becoming a pain up his ass, you see he yearns for something quiet and peaceful, stress free but Boston or New York was not the place and he couldn't handle more of it.

After a moment of thinking, "Fuck it," he thought, packing his personal belongings and pulling them together. Soon afterwards he was on his way back to his hometown in Indiana, a small yet great place to live peacefully, settle down, raise children, he wasn't thinking about that, after all, he was a single man who was not interested in having children nor adopting.

The world seemed to slow in Indiana where Boston seemed much speeder and quick, finally after driving miles and miles, he made it, parking his car in front of the apartment complex he would be living in, it seemed to have been around for years which it was, he remembered seeing this place when he lived around here, driving by and catching glimpses of it. It was two stories, his apartment was on the second floor, Apartment B.

Opening the trunk of his car, he hoisted two suitcases out of the car which held some basic things he would need just in case the moving truck arrived late. Fredrick's focus was on the blinded windows of the apartment, it looked quite abandoned but nothing he couldn't fix nor clean up. He opened the door and in the instant like the air would hit any other some sort of smell hit him, he couldn't put his finger on it, it smelled like.. something he had smelled before but he couldn't put his finger on it, he shook his head and set his things down, he swept his gaze around the place, he glanced around the room he was in, the previous owners had left a couch, it was in good condition too, leather arm rests and cushions that were really comfortable and well, cushioned. He glanced at the flat screen TV that rested over a small wood cabinet, weird, he thought, "Who leaves perfectly good things behind." He spoke to himself and just shrugged it off, moving onto the next few rooms in the house.

The apartment had a dusty kitchen and was full of cobwebs, which he planned on cleaning later on, two bedrooms and a bathroom beside one of the bedrooms and a storage closet. He brought his suitcases to the bedroom which was bigger than the other, planning on using the other as an office, he heard the truck outside and quickly went outside, heading down the stairs to help.

After finally getting everything inside and the others leaving, he sighed in relief, walking into his bedroom, looking at the plain mattress they had brought inside, he laid down, a sigh of relief escaped him, finally done with what was important.
He got dressed in his night clothing, laying down on the mattress, his hands behind his head, he shut his eyes closed, instantly falling asleep. That night, he dreamed, oddly, he hadn't dreamed in awhile even after what happened a couple years back. He dreamed that he was standing in a house that he had never seen, he looked around, he was watching some woman in the dream when she turned, he recognized her, it was his wife. She still looked like herself, elegant eyes, elegant hair.. everything about her was elegant something he had always thought and admired about her. She then faded, he was confused, all he saw was darkness then he awoke and sat up, panting, it was dark in his room. Shaking his head, he went back to sleep, this time he didn't dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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