Question 1
Ananas: Oh? Looking on how to be perrrfect, arrre we? Well, you've come to the rrright Dragon!Ananas Dragon's Official Guidebook to being perfect
1. Being a Drrragon is a must.2. Don't be a weak, ugly, lowerrr-rrranking Drrragon, be a powerrrful, and rrradiant high rrranking Dragon!
3. If you arrre silverrr, brrronze, yellow, or rrred, you arrre the pinnacle of imperrrfection and you disgust me.
4. Exemplarrry colorrrs of perfection are, Ivorrry, Gold, Brrrown, Grrreen, Corrral, Orrrange, and Tan.
5. If you bow down to anyone, you arrre a disgrrrace.
6. You must have a terrrritorrry to rrrule over, and everrryone in that terrrritorrry must rrrespect you.
7. You shall not hunt forrr yourrr own food, as you arrre perfect and must not dirrrty your claws doing such a thing. You will have those who serrrve you and worrrship you bring you food.
8. To show yourrr dominance, you must have many followers who will obey yourrr everrry command.
9. As you arrre perfect, you arrre above everrryone else (except I), and will trrreat those below you as such.
10. Even though everyone is clearrrly garrrbage comparrred to us perrrfect Drrragons, you shall not go out of yourrr way to torrrment them, as you have betterrr things to do and will not waste yourrr time on fools.
11. You must be elegant and grrraceful.
12. You must have a lot of wealth to show off, and to show of yourrr treasurrre hunting skills.
13. Have at least a bit of intelligence so that you don't end up without a brrrain like Pitaya.
14. Keep yourrr den clean and tidy at all times
15. Yourrr Den must shine brrrightly like yourrr rrradiance
_________________________________________Ananas: And these arrre the steps to being perfect!
Pitaya: What doesss it say? I can't read Cookie!
Lotus: It's best you don't know.
Ask the Legendary Dragons! [CLOSED]
HumorSo, you can ask the Dragons Questions, lul.