The Macho man with the Macho plan prt.1

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['Lincoln whistles

Lynn SR: "Come on it's picture time

The family starts to move to the windows as they go outside a song plays

Title of show appears

Everyone grew more and more excited for the episode

The episode starts outside the house as it zooms in

It enters Lincoln's room as he wakes up']

"Not creepy at all" says Lola

[Lincoln: "Today is a big day, today is the day lincoln loud becomes a man"

'Lincoln gets out of bed

Lincoln: "and I am super pumped"

Lincoln Brushing his hair: " I've always been known as the man with the plan but tonight i'm gonna take it up a notch my best friend clyde and I will be watching the rip hardcore midnight marathon and getting our official macho man badges"]

"Its nice to know you have friends" says past Rita

Lincoln smiled at his mom and fistbumped clyde

['Flashback of Lincoln watching Rip hardcore with Clyde]

Everyone smiled at the two boys hanging out

['Lincoln leaves the bathroom as Lisa is waiting for it

Lincoln: "when your the only boy in a family with ten sisters you learn two things number one always put the toilet seat down when your finished"

'A splash is heard

Lisa:" AHH Lincoln"]

Lisa glared at Lincoln still mad about that

[Lincoln continued: "My bad

Luna: "wheres my lucky guitar"

LJ: "Hey stinkoln"

Lincoln: and Number two gotta reserve tv time

Lola: "hops farted again"

'Lincoln goes down stairs

Lincoln: "I even staked out my favorite part of the couch"]

Lana than said "that's what that was

[He flips cushion

Lincoln"Guess this ones out of flips the only thing left to do is prepare the midnight snacks"]

Past rita sighed as she had just bought that couch

['He goes to the kitchen and sees his dad asleep on the floor

Lincoln: "Ah the life of a chef, poor guy works too hard. DAD DAD"]

"I'm a chef" asked past Lynn in shock

['Luan enters

Luan: "Step aside lincoln this is a job for my gag flower"

Lincoln: "does that thing even work

'The flower squirts Lincoln

Lincoln: "Okay then

'Luan tries to squirt her dad

Luan: "and now its out of water"]

Luan chuckled as she saw that

['She walks away

Lynn: "where am I what day is it did I miss my half birthday"

Lincoln: "My dad loves his half birthday

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