Chapter 273-274

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 10/16/2023

Chapter 273 Chat & 'Poor Mental Resilience' & 110m Hurdles Preliminaries

After the morning session ended, Qiu Wen's newfound "good friend" Jipu Ruto reunited with his teammates.

Before parting ways, Qiu Wen enthusiastically used his broken English to make a promise with Jipu Ruto, inviting him to the Chinese team's canteen for a taste of some delicious food prepared by Xiao Bai when he had the time.

Of course, even though Qiu Wen said that, his plastic Chinese-English was difficult to understand, even for his close friend Wang Shen. The translator in the team also wore a similarly puzzled expression.

So someone discreetly asked the team's translator:

"Xiao Lin, what did Er Ha (Qiu Wen) talk about with Jipu Ruto all morning? They were chatting so happily."

"Well, I didn't quite catch it," Xiao Lin replied.

"But then how could he communicate with Jipu Ruto so well this morning? Can Jipu Ruto understand what Er Ha is saying?"

"Emmm... that's hard to say. Maybe it's an international-level telepathy?"

After Jipu Ruto met and left with his teammates, they curiously asked him what the Chinese team's "Great Demon King" had been saying to him all morning.

Jipu Ruto hesitated for a moment, recalling the buzzing sound in his ear all morning, his face showing some strange hesitation.

His teammates were curious about Jipu Ruto's reaction. "What's wrong? Did he say something awful?"

Jipu Ruto looked complicated. "He seems to... invite me to eat his coach with him?... Um, maybe to share his coach? Hmm, that doesn't seem right... Perhaps he has some other meaning?"





Jipu Ruto's Kenyan teammate felt a huge shock to his spirit and soul at that moment. Indeed, he thought, the Chinese rhythm disruptor, Er Ha, was so formidable. The image of the Chinese track and field team seemed to have suffered a strange impact due to Qiu Wen's plastic English.

Qiu Wen, of course, had no idea what havoc his plastic English had wreaked. He was gleefully patting himself on the back, thinking he was really awesome, now capable of conversing in English with international friends. It wasn't until the end that he realized he had forgotten to exchange contact information with Jipu Ruto. But it didn't matter; they were all rivals in the 400 meters event. There would always be opportunities to meet on the field throughout the year, so he could get the contact information next time.

Watching Qiu Wen's gleeful appearance, Jiang Wentao, Pei Jin'an, and Su Bai were all speechless with laughter.

Squinting at the gleeful Qiu Wen, Su Bai smiled and said, "Coach Pei, Director Jiang, if there are any international interviews in the next few days, I personally suggest that Lin accompany Qiu Wen at all times."

Jiang Wentao and Pei Jin'an, who had personally witnessed the power of Qiu Wen's plastic English that morning, glanced at each other and nodded in agreement with smiles. How could they not agree? Qiu Wen might be able to manage a conversation with Jipu Ruto, but if it came to an interview, he might not be so confident about his English proficiency.

In today's terms: Does the Chinese track and field team have no shame?

Qiu Wen didn't notice that Xiaobai and the others were gossiping about him. After seeing off his new best friend Jipu Ruto, he excitedly approached Su Bai.

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