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THE NEXT DAY, i arrived at school just to see jungwon talking with jueun

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THE NEXT DAY, i arrived at school just to see jungwon talking with jueun. what a sore sight.
i wanted to disappear, oh i wish that was me. well— that should be me.

"yunjin!" someone yelled, i stopped thinking and looked. it was jungwon, who yelled and was waving at me.

"jungwon!" i yelled, while waving and pretending i was fine.

i walked over to him and smiled.

"i guess you were talking with jueun?"

jungwon's cheek turned into a shade of light pink and replied, "mhm. while i was waiting for you, she came over."

then, jueun smiled. i decided, i fucking hated her smile.

but of course, i had to smile back. because i'm a ball of sunshine to them.

"let's go to class jungwon." i said, pulling out my hand.

"and jueun."

jungwon smiled and took my hand while jueun was walking on the other side of him. holding hand still fluttered my heart even though it was normal for him.

੭ৎ .

it was finally lunch time. the happiest time in the school.

"jungwon, wanna sit over there?" i asked.

"sure!" he grinned.

luckily jueun didn't join us 'cause she had been invited to sit with some other students.

we walked over and sat down with our lunch trays.

"so— how's it going with jueun?" i asked again, my heart starting to ache.

he drank his milk then replied, "i got her number this morning. she looks so dreamy too!"

"oh, really?" i started playing with my food, loosing my appetite to eat.

"mhm. she's so perfect, like literally the girl of my dreams." he said, sighing dreamily.

i nodded and stared at my food. the burning pain was back— so annoying. listening to him harp on about her. blah blah blah. i wish he'll wake up one day and decide that i'm the perfect one for him. but as for now, i was just his best friend since middle school.

੭ৎ .

wonzones, 08/28/23, 1:33 PM

wonzones, 08/28/23, 1:33 PM

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