Exo As Girls

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baekhyun: *Steals Eyeliner from A girl Who's Just sitting in the bench* Thank U bitch!. This is mine now!. go Buy For Your self!. bye. *rans away*

Sehun: Luhannie, am i pretty ?^_^

Luhan: Yes, You are pretty Sehunnie.

Sehun: Oh Thanks :">

luhan: pretty....UGLY, duh, *Rolled Her eyes* *flips her hair*

sehun: TT_TT

Guy: Can We Go out For a date Minny? (XiuMIN, xd) *doing aegyo*

xiumin: No way!

Guy: But why?

Xiumin: no! Just no

Guy: *Gives xiumin a Dozen of steamed Buns*

xiumin: Ok lets go out for a date honey

guys: *Following taoShi wherever She Goes* (A/n: hehe, TaoShi because Im out of name in my mind now. hehe)

tao: *Stops from walking and Grab A wushu stick*

guy 1: Whoa Dont Kill me!

Guy 2: i have so many Dreams in my life pls dont kill me *crying So loud*

Teacher: Ok now, What is The national Animal?

lay: *stands up* I know! i know! its Unicorn :)

teacher: *face palmed*

teacher: Ok ms. Do Are you scared of something?

Kyungsoo: No maam

teacher: *Turn off the lights*

kyungsoo: *Hides Under her chair and cries Like A Child.*

Guy 1: hello Krissy *winks*

Kris: *punches him*

suho: *wears a 7-inched high heels*

Chanyeol: whoa you're tall now, But im still taller than you! bleh *sticks her tounge out*

suho: whatever *rolled her eyes* * tripped because of the rock*

All: *stares at her*

suho: *stood up* no no!. i-im Just acting!. yeah! i-im Just practicing for the play, *Rans away*

Chen: OMG! help Help! help!! *cries*

girl 1: what happened?!
guy 1: are you hurt?!
girl 2: Is Someone tries to rape you?!

chen: my lipstick is Broken! huhu *Cries han river*

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