Exo Taking Care of A Baby

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baby: *cries han river*

sehun: Oh my gash Hyung, what To Do?

luhan: Maybe He's Hungry

Sehun: But what We should feed him,?.

Luhan: Try To Give Him Bubble Tea, Maybe He Will Likes It

Sehun: Yeah... *Feeds Baby a Bubble tea*

Baekhyun: You know Baby Boy, the only thing You can Trust is The eyeliner. ^_^

Baby: =.=


tao: omg! omg! kris Hyung!! help me,!! *hugs Kris* *cries han river*

chen: OmG!!. The baby Is Floating!.AHHH!!

kai: yah!!. He's Not floating!!. Im carrying him

Chen: Kai?? where are you!? i cant see you, Its too dark In here.. Hahaha

chanyeol: Hello Baby Boy!

baby: Uwaah!! *cries han river*

chanyeol: why?

baekhyun: He's Afraid of Your ears!!!. Shoo!! get Out!!

lay: Can I go out to the park with Him *Points to the baby*

all: Okay

*after few minutes*

lay: Im back!

all: Ohh hello Lay, Wheres The baby?

lay: BABY?!

all: LAY!!!!

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