Morning coffee

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Thanks to @thriller_werewolf for the idea!

*Insert alarm noises*
I decided to go to the new cafe to get coffee on my way to work since I ran out. 
On my way to the cafe I saw Akaza and douma kissing 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 I hate gay people so much. "Hey" they both jumped from the sudden noise tf is wrong with them
"I'm going to that new cafe wanna come" I said Akaza looked at douma and shook his head then started to walk with me to the cafe.
When we got there I could see the thing I hated most cats I fucking hate cats their so fucking annoying. We just sat at a table and they both looked at me "your ordering" Akaza said "I have a slur to say" I responded "you'd be able to reclaim it." Akaza joked I was about to stab him with a knife until someone spoke "hello I'll be your waiter what can I get you?" I looked over and saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen 😍
"He'll take your number" douma said pointing at me, I blushed I fucking hate him even more now  the waiter wrote something down and put it infront of me " any thing else?@
"No we're good" Akaza replied to waiter
On the paper was his number
'Call me ***-***-**** -Kokushibo'
Tbh he got a fat ass😮‍💨

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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