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"Sir, looks like we're taking the scenic route today. There's a huge crowd blocking the entrance to the building," my driver, Cole, informed me with a hint of concern.

I hit the button to roll down my window and couldn't help but gawk at the massive crowd obstructing our way.

What on earth was happening?

There was no way we could bulldoze our way through. So, reluctantly, taking the long way was our only option. But, of course, that meant I'd be fifteen minutes late for my meeting.

Ugh. Why were these people crowding up the front of the company?

Suddenly, more people sprinted past the car, making me jump back inside. My head swirled as I stared at the signs and posters they waved around.

It only took a moment to realize these people were protesters.

"Cole, let's take the long route and step on it. I've got a meeting to get to," I said, feeling anxious.

Cole nodded, his eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror.

More protesters strolled by as Cole slowly reversed to the main road.

They had a reason for being here, and with so many of them, reporters were probably already on their way. Our company was about to make headlines again, and not for good reasons.

We eventually made it to the company through the underground parking lot.

I hopped out of the car and took the elevator to the ground floor. Peering outside, I spotted the protesters at the main entrance, struggling to push their way through as security held them back.

The situation was spiraling, and it looked like I needed to call the cops to disperse them before they attracted more unwanted attention.

But first, I had to find out why they were here, and I knew just the person to ask.

I rode the elevator up to the 15th floor, ignoring Shelby's assistant calling out to me. I barged into my sister's office, where she sat at her desk, shooting me a disdainful glare while typing away.

"Don't you have a board meeting to get to?" she inquired.

"Protesters are swarming outside. Any idea why?" I cut right to the chase, ignoring her question.

She finally looked up, leaning back in her chair.

"I don't concern myself with such trivial matters. I'm rather busy, as you can see."

I clenched my fists, my frustration bubbling.

"Don't act ignorant, Shelby. You know precisely why they're here. So talk."

She smirked, tilting her head slowly.

"I've made some strategic changes and temporarily pulled the exclusive CF products from all branches for reevaluation. My assistant issued a statement online, letting the public know these products won't return until year-end after a thorough analysis."

For God's sake. I knew it.

This was the frustrating part about my sister. She acted like she could make unilateral decisions at work without considering the consequences.

She'd done something that had not only infuriated me but also the public.

When would she realize she needed to stop meddling and stick to her own responsibilities?

"Does Dad know about this?" She nonchalantly shrugged.

"He will when he turns on the TV and sees the news."

I glared at her.

"I'm calling the cops to disperse them. Meanwhile, get the PR department to retract what you've told them. You can't make such decisions without consulting me. I call the shots, and because of your actions, these protesters are furious. Next time, stay in your lane and do your job."

She continued to narrow her eyes at me. After my rant, I stormed out of her office and headed to mine on the 20th floor, the top floor of the building.

As I entered, I was surprised to find my mother seated at my desk.

"Mom," I greeted her, and she smiled, rising to hug me.

"How'd you get here?"

"By car, of course," she replied with a chuckle.

"No, I meant, how did you get past the protesters?"

"I was here before they arrived. I told your sister about it, and she said she was handling it."

I sighed, taking a seat.

"She's the reason they're here, Mom. Did she tell you that?"

She sighed in response.

"No, but I had a feeling. Don't be too hard on her, Shawn. She's only trying to help."

Yeah, right. My sister and I had never had a perfect sibling relationship. We were born to compete.

I was the older one, so opportunities were handed to me more easily. Shelby had to work twice as hard to prove herself.

Since I became CEO, she'd been trying to push me aside and take over. She wanted this position more than anything and would do anything to get it.

But I knew she wasn't suited for it. Her lust for power and greed would only bring chaos if she became CEO.

I believe my father made the right choice by making me the CEO. At least I made decisions that were best for the company.

Now, it seemed my job was to clean up after Shelby's mess every time she tried to outdo me.

I had been too patient with her, but she kept pushing my limits. Sooner or later, I'd reach my breaking point, and I didn't know what I'd do if she crossed that line again.


Just a little reminder to everyone: Everything that will happen during the first few chapters of this book occurred around the time Shawn made his appearance in Book 1, in Shay's story.

Do not get confused about the events that are about to take place. As I've already mentioned before, this book can be read as a standalone.

Hope you've enjoyed reading Chapter 1. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow 🤍


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