Chapter 12

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Harrison knew Bellatrix would attack him at some point, and was just waiting for her to make her move. Because he wasn't respecting Voldemort in the same way she did, and she was crazy enough to want to hurt him for it.

But what happened was actually a bit unexpected.

"A duel?" he said. "Us two, having a duel?"

"Yes," Bellatrix replied. "To unconsciousness, or death if you prefer it."

"I mean, I'm fine with death, you wouldn't be the first idiot I killed."

Voldemort looked at the two of them.

"Unless you disapprove, Voldemort," Harrison said. "I'm not used to allies, but I won't kill her if you don't want me to."

"It's better to have this done," Voldemort replied. "But remember, Bellatrix. You asked for this. No one will save you."

"Then no one will try to save him, my lord," Bellatrix replied. "The bastard!"

"Not very original," Harrison told her. "I've been called a bastard since I was twenty-two."

He patted the pockets of his robes, and then said to Bellatrix:

"I don't have a wand, do you object to me fighting without one?"

"No," she replied.

"Good, because I'm not sure where my wands are right now. Do you know, Lucian?"

"Unless they are in your room, then the attic. Everything you lose tends to end up there eventually."

"Better have a look."

"You never use them, master."

"Doesn't mean I want them gone."

"Please have this duel outside," Voldemort said. "I'd rather not have my manor destroyed."

"Entrails in the chandelier..." Lucian muttered.

"That was one duel, Lucian, let it go," Harrison replied.

"And the ballroom... that poor ballroom."

"A few scorch marks on the walls is hardly complete destruction."

Death Eaters were gathering, and many followed outside. Some sneered at the Nightmare Lord, their masks off, while others seemed just curious. Bellatrix was confident, and Harrison wondered why. She should be aware of his power to some degree. Was she in denial?

Should he kill her? That would be easy. He could humiliate her instead, that was funnier. Especially if he used one of his tricks that didn't require much of duel. She wanted a duel, a real fight, and he could win while also not giving her that.

Or he could kill her. Harrison looked down at his robes. Would Elise yell at him if he destroyed these ones? Probably. But he could just go and get more.

Because killing her would get rid of any future problems he might have with her. However, humiliating her in front of Death Eaters who knew her to be a powerful witch in her own right... that was the funnier option.

Bellatrix had her wand ready. Harrison gave her a mocking, small bow, and Lucian raised a shield. Others followed in his wake, and Voldemort glanced between the two of them before saying:



Bellatrix wasted no time, but Harrison anticipated it and flicked his hand. The Cruciatus spell went flying up in the air. Bellatrix didn't let that deter her, and responded with a series of non-verbal spells. Harrison let them come, and threw out his arm.

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