Bar Date?

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The The next morning Minho's alarm went off and Jisung was the one to wake up to it this time.

Jisung turned his head tiredly and saw Minho's eyes shut as his chest was moving up and down from his slow breathing.

Jisung however, felt exceptionally warm and cozy, so of course Jisung was so tired that he he didn't notice until now that he was cuddled up inside Minho's arms, which is why he went to sleep with ease last night.

The alarm was really loud and sent waves of agony through Jisung's ears, he wanted it off, so he sat up, reached over pressed the button to make it stop, and then shook Minho until he opened his eyes.

"Minho, it's time to get up."

Minho rolled around and grabbed Jisung's pillow to cuddle with since Jisung was no longer lying down. "No, it's not, I didn't hear the alarm."

"That's because you slept through it, silly."

"Mhmm, isn't it Saturday?"

Jisung laughed, "No, it's Friday, tomorrow is Saturday so get up and last for one more day."

Minho groaned.

"Minho, how do you even manage to be a mafia boss and barely be able to get up at this time?"

Minho laughed at Jisung's joking tone, "Well I usually don't have a problem waking up, but sleeping with you in my arms was like making up for all of the long lost hours of shut-eye."

Jisung didn't say anything after that and only showed a soft smile, "But you have to get up now, and l get ready with you."

Minho again annoyingly groaned at the fact he had to get out of bed, he felt so sleepy and he's never had a problem getting up before.

Jisung was on his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth before Minho grabbed his arm and twisted him around, "Jisung...You look really attractive with your bed hair."

Minho had said enough things for Jisung to ignore the feeling inside him that would make him just freeze on the spot, but the butterflies were still there.

"Are you saying that I don't look attractive without it?" Jisung asked jokingly.

Minho returned the joking tone, "You know that's not what I'm saying...Even if I did it would be a lie, do you know how pretty you are?"

"Me? How about you? Do you think I miss the fierce look in your deep amazingly breathtaking brown eyes? Or the extremely attractive face you have? You should really look in a mirror, no one can compare to you, and just because you think I'm pretty doesn't mean that I actually am. We all have our opinions about ourselves, mine isn't so good."

Minho straightened his back so he was even taller than Jisung and wrapped his arm around his back then leaned him into a wall where he pressed his other arm on the wall next to Jisung's head pinning him.

"I don't know where you get the idea that you aren't pretty, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. I say creature because you are different from everybody else, you are just one of a kind."

(You all are one of a kind my loves, never forget!)


Minho could tell that Jisung still wasn't listening, once you start to notice every little bad detail about yourself it's hard to stop.

Minho stared into Jisung's eyes...He longed for something as his eyes traveled down to Jisung's lips, was he going crazy? Or was he just struck by the moment? He didn't know, but he wanted it more than he'd ever wanted anything, he wanted it so much that he ended up clenching his fist for self-restraint.

Minho walked backward, and even though a couple of steps walking away looked easy, for him it most certainly was not.


They finished getting ready and headed to work.

After they got there Jisung went into the training room and Minho went into his office.

Suddenly, Seungmin came in without knocking.

"Sir, we need to discuss something."

"And what would that be, Seungmin."

"A higher-up in the drug business wants to meet with you, he called me earlier and asked if you would meet him at this bar he owned with a date. I panicked and said that you had one and you would be there today shortly.

"What!? Why the hell would you do that? I have no one to bring!"

"Actually, I was thinking that maybe you...Could bring Jisung as your date."

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