Jisung's Fall.

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Minho got up and walked a little way away so Jisung couldn't hear the conversation, he didn't want Jisung worrying about work,

"Seungmin, why do you keep calling me?"

"Sir! Are you at Huntingdon Park?"

"Um, yeah, how did you know?"

"You need to get out of there now!! We found the issue with the computers, as Felix was trying to fix it suddenly two blue dots showed up on the screen with a map behind it showing us the name of the park, we got hacked and your location is known!"

Minho very quickly turned around to look at Jisung, but when he turned around, Jisung was gone.


Minho's heart stopped, hoping Jisung had just walked away, but he wasn't seeing him anywhere.

"S-Seungmin, he's not here....he's not here! Look at his location now! Where is he!"

"It shows that he's moving pretty fast, he's probably in a car...Sir, you need to go straight and then turn left!"

Minho ran to his car and started driving according to Seungmin's directions.

"Sir, he should be right there."

Minho got out of his car and saw no one in sight, he looked around frantically until he saw a black phone and picked it up off the ground, it was Jisung's.

"SHIT!" Minho cursed, he got back in his car and started speeding to his warehouse. When he got there and entered, he already saw people getting ready to go out under his order.

"Sir!" Seungmin called. Minho turned around towards him.

"Come in here, we got an email from 3RACHA!"

Minho ran into the computer room and looked at the email.

'As you already know, we have Jisung in our hands. If your boss does not give us his empire we will feed him to the snakes. He will come to our location and make a deal... Alone, and I mean it.'

The location was at the bottom of the email, and Minho started to run off again, he was going to the location.

"Sir, wait! You can't really be doing this right? We can find another way!"

"Another way?!" Minho exclaimed, "How about you fall in love and THEN  tell me there is another way! Because we don't have time to think of anything else! We don't know what they are doing to him at this very moment! I am going alone, and if I have to make this deal... I will."

Everyone was silent, as they just found out that Minho, was in fact, in love.

Minho then ran out and Seungmin put his hands on top of his head in a very stressful way and groaned not knowing what to do.

Minho later arrived at the location and went inside...he was welcomed by two men pointing guns at him.

He put his hands up while another guy searched him for a weapon, and then he looked around quickly.

"Where is he? I'm here to make a deal!"

"Well, are you?" An unknown voice came from a strange-looking guy walking towards him, and Minho knew it was the leader of 3RACHA.

"Yes! I'm here to make the deal and I will make it willingly, just tell me where he is!"

The strange guy sighed and snapped his fingers, just then, two men came from behind a door holding a very bruised-up Jisung in their arms.

Minho saw the state Jisung was in and went running toward him, but guns were pointed at him again and he had to stop.

"I told you I would make the deal! You knew I would make it when you took him, so why the hell did you hurt him!"

"Did you really think we would leave him unharmed? We are just giving you motivation." As he said this he held out his hand.

"You can have him, as long as you give your empire to me... Your money, your guns, your drugs, your people, and your status... It all belongs to me. I would have you sign something, but not all great deals are made with a paper you know?"

Minho took a deep breath of panic and then shook his hand. But at that moment... a loud bang was heard...his heart once again stopped, he wasn't breathing and his mind was having trouble processing.... He was about to sink to his knees as he felt tears about to fall from his eyes... There wasn't any more breeze, everything was dead silent as Minho watched Jisung fall to the ground in agony.

Minho... Ran to Jisung and crouched down to pick him up and lay on his lap. Minho's heart was beating again, but it was beating way too fast to comprehend anything.

"I said you could have him," The strange guy said, "But I didn't say you could have him alive."

"Jisung! No, please answer me..please! please answer!" Minho pleaded as he instantly started sobbing.

Jisung's eyes opened slightly, but he opened them just enough to see Minho.


"Jisung? Listen to me, listen to my voice and focus! You need to stay awake for me, please! I will get you out of here, I will!"

Jisung had never seen Minho cry before, nor had he seen him cry like this, "How..are you, going to do..that" Jisung spoke very slowly.

"I-I don't know, but please-" His voice cracked, "please stay with me, sweetheart...please."

As Jisung watched Minho's tears fall, he slowly raised his arm and wiped them away, "Don't cry Minho....if you... Cry now, then how are....you going, to deal with this...after all is...said and done?"

"Don't say that! I won't deal with it because it won't happen!"

"Minho....Just think of it like this...I'm tired, and I need to sleep."

"NO!" Minho sobbed, "I'm begging you, jisung..please don't sleep!"

Jisung was dying, blood was pouring out of where he was shot and he was barely able to talk, but not once did he look scared.

Just then, there were guns heard from every direction and Minho's people came barging in through the warehouse doors shooting anyone they saw.

Suengmin caught the eye of Minho and Jisung, once he saw Jisung, he sent two men to hold Minho back while the other picked Jisung up and put him in the car.

"Stop it!" Minho yelled, "Let me go! Where are you taking him!!!"

Seungmin stepped in front of Minho... He knew he only had to say one thing to calm him down since he wasn't going to listen to anything else.

"Sir, calm down, please... He will be okay, he's going to be okay...He's on his way to the hospital."

Minho slowed down his crying and made eye contact with Seungmin.."He...Is he going to be okay? Really?"

"Yes sir... He just needs surgery, the men I sent to take him are driving as fast as they can."

Minho took deep breaths, they were very deep because he was sobbing so much he didn't have time to breathe at all.

"W-Well, why couldn't I go with him?!"

"Because I Wanted you to deal with the person who got him shot."

Minho's expression darkened, now that he knew Jisung was going to be okay, he became angry...very angry.

I cried while writing this.😔

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