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Hi guys! So, as you can see. I deleted the original one and made this one. The plot is the same, its just that it's not Blake who plays the leading guy. It's Harry. Yes, im changing it to a harry fanfic, crazy right?

Like I said, the plot is the same but my grammar is much much better in this one. You can obviously see the changes of my grammar throughout the story! I hope you read this story till the end cause I have tons planned in this one! If you have any questions, about the story, about me, about my life, about anything ask me on my Twitter account which is @handsonjh answer it honestly. Love you all x

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My name is Chloe Winters, 16 years old with dark brown locks and brown eyes. That's basically all I can say, I live in Wolverhampton with my dad, Bill Winters.

My brother, Jake, traveled to the U.S to finish his studies and to start working there for our family. Your wondering where my mom is?

Well, she died in a car crash when I was 15 years old.

flashback (1 year ago)

"Bye honey! I'm going to go buy medicine for Chloe. Be back in 40." Mom told dad as she left for the door, I was sitting down on my bed with a bottle of water in my left hand and my phone in my right. The room was spinning and I couldn't see straight, my stomach grumbles and I rushed to the bathroom. I knelt down in front of the toilet,and vomited.

20 minutes later, I called mom

"Mom, Where are you? Please come back sooner." My voice was hoarse making me wince. "I'm almost there," she sighed, "don't worry."

"But, mom I keep on vomiting and it's really disgus-" I was about to continue but I vomited again. I almost vomited just looking at my own vomit. Okay, I gotta stop saying vomit. gross.

"Ill be there, just wait for me." She said as I ended the call. I layed back down on my bed, staring at the fan that was spinning round and round, just wondering when my mom would come back. I groggily stood up from my blanket and carefully made my down the kitchen, needing to fill up my, now, empty water bottle.

Twenty minutes has passed already and still no sign of mom making my insides churn with worry. My dad and I started to panic, concern and fear written all over our faces until my phone started to ring, I checked the caller ID it was mom. I quickly tapped the green button with no hesitation.

"Mom, mom! where are you?" I asked worried, almost in the verge of tears.

The one who answered my question wasn't mom. What the person said made me almost drop the device I was holding. My heart stopped as the person said the words, my hands started to shake as my breathing increased.

"This isn't your mom, this is the police. We found your mom dead inside a car down the hill. Her phone was laying on the side of the road, it may have fell off the window while she was driving. We're not quite sure." The officer's voice rang through my ears as I rubbed my face repeatedly.

Dead inside a car down the hill

Dead inside a car down the hill

His words repeated like a broken record inside my head making me feel worse than ever before.

"That can't be! Maybe that's a another person! That's not my mom." I panicked as tears started to pool my eyes, debating whether or not to escape.

"I'm sorry." He said, clearly no sympathy in his voice.

"No, no, damn it." I rubbed my temples and threw the pillow that was in front of me as it landed on the floor with a thud.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Dad asked walking closer to me.

"M-moms g-gone." I said, my voice was soft and weak and I really hoped my dad would understand cause I clearly did not want to repeat it.

I can't believe it, mom's gone. The person who has been there for me every step of the way, is gone. I looked at dad as he sat down on the black, leather couch.

"This cant be happening this is all your fault!" He said pointing at me.

"If you weren't sick! She would've stayed here and didn't need to buy you that damn medicine. Now, you see she's dead because of you!" I flinched at the tone of his voice. He ran his hands over his black hair repeatedly as he threw the vase, that stood on the drawer, making it break.

"I'm sorry dad." I said, I made my way to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, his body tensing from my actions.

"Get off me, you worthless child!" He shouted, grabbing ahold of my wrists and pushing me off of him. I ran to my room, crying like a stupid baby.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry dad this is all my f-fault." I sobbed, my throat starting to hurt from all the crying as I try to calm my breathing. The only thing on my mind that night as I drifted off to sleep was the genuine smile of my mom.

End of Flashback

Every night my dad goes home late, drinking, I tried my best to stop him but he wouldn't listen.

My dad is calm and happy not wild and angry. My dad is kind and sweet, he is the type of person who anyone can trust, but no not anymore. He's like a stranger to me, it's like I don't even know him. He changed completely, he would break everything he lays his eyes on, while I just stand there, frozen, watching the person I once called my dad.

I tried to get closer to him but he would only break more things and break down in front of me. I hate seeing my dad like this.

He would always blame me for mom's death. Just like what he said, it's all my fault and I admit it.


Welp, it's much better right? Or.. okay. Have any questions? Don't hesitate to ask me on my twitter account which is @aesthetichonce Love you all x

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