Chapter 1: (The Missing Idol)

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The arena was ablaze with lights, and the air resonated with the deafening chorus of cheers. It was a spectacle like no other—the Aiko Suzuki show. A dazzling display of lights, screams, and music, a testament to the idol's meteoric rise in the world of entertainment. As the final notes of her hit song reverberated through the colossal arena, Aiko stood bathed in the spotlight, a radiant smile gracing her face.

Amid the excitement and cacophony, the final break of the show arrived. Aiko Suzuki, a youthful powerhouse with an enigmatic aura, retreated backstage, leaving behind a trail of awe-struck fans. Her presence seemed to materialize out of thin air, a recurring phenomenon that had only added to her mystique. With a wink and a playful wave, she recorded a quick video for her social media, promising her fans that more was yet to come.

In a corner of the bustling backstage area, Aiko Suzuki engaged in a conversation with her producer, Noba. Their dialogue revolved around an upcoming advertisement for a children's clothing brand—a project that seemed worlds apart from Aiko's Kwaii-metal J-pop performances. Despite her prodigious singing abilities, Aiko had initially been skeptical about the endeavor. The prospect of being confined to the realm of children's entertainment didn't quite align with her image.

The tide turned, however, when Aiko embraced the challenge. She channeled her energy into the project, leaving her mark not only with her singing but also her endearing interactions with children. There was a particular day, recounted with fondness, when Aiko shared in an interview that she had once used a pacifier, a detail that soon snowballed into an unexpected trend. The pacifier-mark, as fans affectionately called it, became her signature. It grew beyond a mere accessory, becoming emblematic of her quirky charm.

The once-unthinkable transformed into a resounding success. The pacifier merchandise sold like hotcakes, and Aiko's willingness to embrace her playful side endeared her to an even wider audience. Remarkably, she embraced her new persona with grace, wearing her pacifier-mark with pride and using it as a testament to her ability to adapt and evolve.

On this particular night, as the energy of the show's final act began to wane, Aiko excused herself to use the restroom. She navigated through the labyrinthine backstage corridors, her steps carrying her into the semi-darkness. The din of the arena faded into a distant hum, replaced by the eerie quiet of the hidden passages.

Yet, in the darkness, whispers echoed. Strange, disconcerting noises that danced at the edge of Aiko's perception. Her heart began to race, a chilling sense of unease gripping her. In the dim light, shadows seemed to elongate and contort, their forms twisting into unsettling shapes.

Abruptly, before Aiko could fully comprehend what was happening, a pair of hands materialized out of the darkness, wrapping around her. The scent of alcohol assaulted her senses as a damp cloth was pressed against her mouth. Panic surged through her veins, and a stifled scream died in her throat. She struggled, her limbs thrashing against her unseen assailant.

Her world blurred and spun, and the edges of her vision grew hazy. As consciousness wavered, a paralyzing fear gripped Aiko's very core. She felt a dampness spreading, a stark reminder of her own vulnerability. The fight against the darkness, however valiant, was futile. The world closed in around her, and all sense of reality dissolved into the abyss.

And just like that, Aiko Suzuki, the effervescent idol known for her captivating performances, was engulfed in the shadows, leaving nothing but an echo of unanswered questions and a void where once her presence radiated.

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