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"Dear soulmate
Do you think of me
like I do
Do you have green eyes
Or are they brown like mine?
Do you have a sister too?
Dear soulmate
One day I'll give this song to you"

Jisung remembered, he remembered wondering all these things, he always wanted to know what they look like or how they are personally, he even wondered if they were similar.

His class was out camping; one of his favourite things to do. He had to drop his brother off at their aunt's place so he could go, immediately he got there he wished he could disappear or run back home but the teacher had already seen him so there was no going back. He had to share a tent with Minho in the end.

He did a walk of shame over to their corner and minho scoffed at him, "you're late! I already set up the tent no thanks to you"

"I had to drop my sibling at my aunt's place, if you cared about anyone but yourself you'd understand", even if the words were a low blow Minho refused to back down.

"I have a sibling... two actually, their names are Lee Minhee and Lee Felix ", jisung grimaced at him since he wasn't used to Minho sharing so much about himself, he shook it off and crawled into the tent before he could blurt something else out.


They both lay in their sleeping bags, the only sound around them being their steady breaths and the crickets. He thought about the next lyrics to write and thoughts of how his soulmate looks like filled his mind, so he blurted it out, "do you ever wonder what your soulmate looks like?"

He glanced at Minho but decided he was asleep, before he could turn away the older looked at him and they were caught in this intense staring competition, almost like it was a trance.

He noticed how brown Minho's eyes were with the smallest bit of stars in them, they were mesmerizing. Minho looked him up and down before mouthing "no" and turned his back to him.

He scoffed and settled on the lyrics to the new verse, before glancing at Minho one more time and falling asleep.

Dear soulmate (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now