Chapter 11

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Stiles walks out of English class feeling even more certain that something is off about their English teacher. "I'm telling you Lydia, something is just not right about that woman" he insists as they walk out of class heading towards the cafeteria. "Maybe she isn't completely evil, but come on!"

"Stiles, she is competent and actually knows what she is doing. She has managed to get almost everyone in her classes to actually learn, including Greenberg apparently. If she can teach him and still manage to teach our advance class, then you are right, she is probably a mythological creature." Lydia deadpans and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"Okay, fine. She is a great teacher and knows her stuff, but even you have to admit there is something off about her" Stiles prods and manfully pretends not to notice her eye roll. Giving up on that he switches topics, dropping his voice to a whisper. "Have you heard anything about the Alpha Pack?" 

Lydia pauses and looks at him in surprise. 

"What? I figured Derek would tell Jackson and he would tell you." Stiles mutters and as Lydia continues to glare at him and his voice trails off. "Right...expecting Derek to communicate."

Lydia harumphs and they head into lunch as Stiles grumbles at how annoying it is when the world doesn't do what he wants it to, it would really make everything smoother if everyone just did what he wanted. 

"Good news." Scott says happily as they sit down at the table, Lydia next to Jackson and Allison "Harris is out today so we have a free period."

Stiles suddenly feels like a ray of sunshine has touched his life. A day without Harris! "Yes!" Stiles fist pumps in appreciation before exchanging high-fives with Scott while the girls roll their eyes. They continue talking for a while when Jackson's voice suddenly surprises them.

"Danny? What's wrong?" Jackson asks seriously and everyone turns to look at the goalie who has just walked in looking sick.

"Mr. Waters was killed," he mutters and everyone looks confused.

"The band teacher? What happened?" Stiles demanded. Mr. Waters was married so it made absolutely no sense for him to be a victim.

"A guy from the Jungle I know works for the Beacon Gazette and he knows I am in the band. He gave me a heads up about it. Mr. Waters was on his way to his support group when someone grabbed him. They found him with his throat cut." Danny was guided to his seat looking dazed as Jackson hovered worriedly over his friend.

"Support group?" Allison asked looking at Stiles in confusion but he just shook his head. He didn't know anything about that.

"He led a support group for veterans at the Annex," Danny muttered. "He helped a lot of service men and women who came back."

"They will get the guy who did it." Jackson growled, but Stiles was suddenly feeling really uncertain.

" said his throat was cut? Are you sure?" Stiles asked carefully and saw the rest of the group turn to look at him in surprise.

Danny looked at Stiles uncertainly. "Yeah, Roger, the reporter, he warned me about that since it would be in the papers tomorrow."

"Stiles? What are you thinking?" Lydia demanded looking at the teen with a narrowed expression.

"What if it was like the others? The three-fold death. He might have been another sacrifice." Stiles whispered to her as Danny and Jackson were now talking together and no longer paying attention to their end of the table.

"Stiles, we already know that Kyle wasn't a virgin and Mr. Waters wasn't one either." Scott reminded him, but Stiles shook his head.

"No, but Kyle was in ROTC" Stiles said with certainty. Scott and Lydia both looked confused but Allison was looking intrigued. "Some rituals required virgin sacrifices, but others...they instead sacrificed people in groups. Virgin sacrifices generate power sure, but maybe whoever is doing this wants something more."

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