Chapter 14

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Chris Argent wasn't particularly surprised when Deputy Graeme called and asked him to come by the station that morning, not after they had found the wreckage of the Sheriff's house. Chris had seen enough signs of a werewolf attack to think it was likely but he hesitated to alert Hale and then before he could even formulate a plan, the Sheriff had checked in and ended things. Chris suddenly wasn't as sure about the source of the destruction but since the Sheriff and Stiles were apparently okay, maybe it was something else. As if they are that lucky. 

He walked into the police station and smiled politely at the deputy at the desk. 

"I'm here to see Deputy Graeme," he stated with an easy smile.

"And you are?" Officer Murray asked, looking the older man over as if he was evaluating him for potential problems.

"Chris Argent. She called and asked me to come by" Chris added and the deputy nodded and asked him to wait before he stepped away. A few seconds later the deputy came back with Tara walking behind him. "Good morning deputy" Chris said with a quick nod.

"Thank you for coming Mr. Argent" Tara said with a serious expression. "Please come back with me" she said as she led him into the station and headed for the sheriff's office "we can talk privately in here" she said and gestured him inside.

Chris stepped into the office and froze as he saw the Sheriff sitting at his desk watching him with an unreadable expression. He wasn't quite able to hide his surprise but his eyes were drawn to the bandages on the man's neck and wrist with a quick glance. "Sheriff. I am really glad to see you are okay" Chris said as Tara closed the door behind him.

"Thank you Mr. Argent. Please have a seat" Noah said, his expression never changing. "I am hoping you might be able to answer some questions for me" he tells the man as Tara moves to stand behind the Sheriff, a move that Chris easily understood was a clear declaration of allegiance.

"Of course Sheriff, is this about what happened last night" he asks not giving away anything. He wasn't exactly sure what Tara had shared with the Sheriff.

"It was a home invasion" the Sheriff explained and Chris looked surprised. "A guy broke in and threatened to kill myself and my son" Chris noted that the Sheriff's voice had changed and he recognized the barely restrained fury under his controlled demeanor. He was still mad and Chris didn't understand why, but some of that was directed towards him.

"Sheriff, I'm not sure exactly how I can help you with that, unless you are looking to purchase some firearms which I would be happy to do so" Chris offers with a professional smile.

"That would be very helpful" the Sheriff agrees with a pointed smile. "Would they include ammunition with wolfsbane or is that limited just to your gang of murdering thugs?"

Chris freezes and glances towards Tara whose face gives nothing away before he looks back at the Sheriff. "Sheriff, I don't know what..." he starts.

"Don't even try it Argent. Right now it is taking a great deal of restraint not to shoot you at this moment. Especially knowing that your father kidnapped and tortured my your house" he snarled and Chris's eyes went wide and he suddenly realized that this was way worse than he imagined. "Your sister, well we already know that she is a mass murderer, but we can add how many murders to your father when he was controlling the Kanima, so what is the total Argent body count?" he asks and Chris leans back and shakes his head.

"You know everything" it's not a question but a statement but he sees the Sheriff's slight nod.

"I know that you have been running a paramilitary army in my town hunting and killing like you are judge, jury, and executioner with absolutely no regard to the law" Noah bites out and feels a bit of satisfaction at the man's flinch.

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