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   " That's a wrap!" Yelled the director, as the crew buzzed around getting out of set. I start walking off of set, untucking my button down and loosening up the rest of my costume. I passed the group of chairs in front of a set of small motors behind a lighting stand, walking by the producer , director and sound guy as they took their headsets off, getting ready to head home.
    " Grayson," I heard someone yell from across the set. I turn to find one of the guys from the lighting team, a chubby guy maybe late thirties early forties jogging towards me.
   " Oh hey, Dale, right? ''
   " Yeah, me and some of the crew guys are going out for drinks, wanna come?'' He asked casually.

I don't even know why they invited me, well I do know, it's 'cause you're Grayson Rhondes, the movie star ugh. But Dale seems like a good guy and I feel bad. The crew guys have invited me out with them a whole bunch, and I just kept saying no, and now that filming is done I don't really have an excuse..
'' where y'all goin'? " I asked in a friendly way. Dale's face grew a smile.
   " We're going down to the bar near the university. "
Dale explained as we walked to my trailer.
   " Dude we're in Boston, you gotta be more specific." I responded with a chuckle. He laughs, " we're the one near Suffolk. " he responds as we get to my trailer.
     " Let me get out of these clothes and I'll meet you there." I say before closing the door of my trailer.

   As I pull into the parking lot all I see are college kids, obviously, and old guys with beer bellies that peaked in high school. Before getting out I put my cap on and tug it low on my face, with the darkness of the night not much of my face will be visible, and that's exactly what I'm going for.
   I get out of my car and walk half a block to see a green neon sign " Baileys Bar", a group of men in football jerseys standing in front of the door yelling at each other about how the ref made a bad call or some shit like that. I just want to get inside the bar and have a drink. Between shooting and doing press for this movie and taking care of my brothers, it's been a stressful 6 months. Before crossing the street to get into the bar I do one last tug on my baseball Cap and head into the bar.

   I hate Bars. I squeezed past the group of yelling guys and it's even more packed inside the Bar. I finally find Dale and his friends. We ordered a round of beers and got to talking when his friend, a skinny redheaded guy, who drank like three beers and his face is beet red and you can just tell that he's a lot more than buzzed, shouts " Oh my God, you're Grayson Rhodes " which has now brings me where i am now, I'm on my third round of tequila shots, after six beers and a shit ton of pictures.
After finishing the round of shots with some guys that recognized me from my war movies , I walk, if you could call it that, and start putting my jacket on and get myself together.
" No, don't go Grayson." A girl whines behind me,I keep my back to her to hide my annoyed expression. I put on my fake smile, I turn and it's one of the girls that I took pictures with, a blonde with a very orange tan, in the middle of september. She practically forced me to hold her boobs for the picture.
" Well it's getting late. I gotta get my beauty sleep." I say jokingly. She laughs and walks up closer and trails her finger down the sleeve of my leather jacket.
   She slips a little paper, most likely her number, into my pocket, and mouthed ' call me' as she turned around.
   I threw the number out, as I stumbled out of the bar. I want to go home, but I'm too buzzed to drive and it's too good of a fall night to get a taxi. So I just walk around. I saw couples take strolls as they talked about what they had done throughout the day. I saw parents walking strollers, trying to put their babies to sleep in the late hours of the night. I walked, and walked without direction, distracting myself with all the things you see in the dead of night, in a city on a friday night.
I watched the moon, and I took in the fall night as the multicolored leaves fell from their trees. I smelled coffee and I don't know how I had gotten here, but as I sobered I realized I was outside of a library. I checked my phone, 11:00 PM. The library is open at 11 PM? I look through the window and see a little cafe inside the library. I pull the door open and step inside, taking in the smell of freshly printed paper, old books, coffee and tea leaves. I head to the corner of the library, towards the cafe. I order a hot black coffee and go over to a small circular table and wait for my name to be called.

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