Finally, we pull oour way to the safehouse, luckily not running into any infected along the way; again, I repeat, along the way. As we pulled up, the safehouse seemed more and more like a garage. The metal door bloodstained and scratches all the way along the length and breadth of it, prooving that infected had tried to break into it and from the absence of holes of breaches in the material, I'd say they didn't succeed. I looked to him with a raised eyebrow and was about to say something, but over his shoulder, I noticed some movement. The slow, sickly, swaying pattern of the figure, or rather, figures, was familiar. "Infected!" I boomed, pointing to the figures that were popping up like bubbles. He hurried to the garage door and started working on it. He was finally able to get it open and we both scuttled inside. The greater challenge now, was to close it. And with each passing second, the groaning and blubbering of the infected grew closer, louder and more agressive. Then the hand shot out and grabbed Tyler's shirt, forcing a gasp from his throat, and in that second, I snatch my crossbow off my back and used the back of it to slap down on the lever, breaking the tail off in the process, but also rolling the door shut the way an elevator without stings would run down the shaft, breaking the hand off from its source.
Tyler threw the hand off his shirt in disgust and kicked it and stepped on it. I laughed slightly and patted his shoulder, "Easy, tiger. It's done, I don't tink a hand, will do any damage," I said as I looked round the garage at the broekn-down cars and cobweb-decorated tool shelves. He stopped for a second, kicked it once more and huffed at it. I finally got to ask my question; "So your underground safehouse is an above-ground garage? Well that fails to live up to the hype, doesn't it?"
He looked over his shoulder at me before turning round to face me, but it was quite obvious his eyes weren't on me. "Impatience blinds the eyes," he said as he walked across the room, pushing aside the only shelf that seemed well taken care of. Behind it was an elevator and considering how there was no second floor, it must be leading down. I couldn't help the impressed smile that slid ts way to my face as he gestured me inside it. I looked around it and then looked around the room again, to see if there were any moe hidden areas in the garage. The elevator slid down only one floor and couldn't go any further even if it wanted to. It was a bunker directly under a garage. Sounds simple but it was pretty impressive. The bunker itself was pretty well-stocked with canned food and drinks. The cans were a few months from expiring and a few weeks after poduction. " do you get your food?" I asked him, examining the cans and drinks.
"I dunno," came his reply and "I go out of the garage everyday and get to a store before the infected get around their daily business and the things there are arranged and restocked each day with fresh goods. I have no idea how they get there or who brings them, but I see them, and I take them. No questions asked, no answers given, good business," he continued as he popped open a can and handed me another. Most of it was fruit and some baked beans, hot dogs, soup, pasta, chili and rarest of all, ready to eat meals. We ate for a few minutes and settled in the beds. "We'll take a quick nap and go out for supplies when we wake up, okay?" he asked as he settled in. I nodded in agreement, taking my pick out of the five available beds and settling in rather comfortably.
A few munites later, not long enough to reach two hours, at least I don't think so, and clocks and watches can't e trusted these days, some could be a whole twelve hours off and still be read as correct. I woke up to see that Tyler was already up and ready, standing at the elevator door. "How long've you been up?" I asked.
"Oh, only a few minutes. Ready to go?" I nodded and pulled myself up and made my way towards him. The walk to the store was silent for the most part, but I did keep all the landmarks we passed in mind, just in case I need to come here on my own some day. We passed a clearly deserted park, what seemed to be a hospital immediately followed by a hotel, as well as a grocery store. I had already began turning into he grocery store when I noticed Tyler walking straight. I was confussed but asked no questions. He walked with precision and with purpose which clearly showed he knew what he was doing and where he was going; maybe there was another grocery store somewhere in front. However, the grocery store we passed was still booked in my mind, CCD was the name, not sure what it stands for and have certainly never heard of it before.
غموض / إثارةEveryone rumors about the end of the world. The apocalypse. We say how brave and tough we're going to be. It's human. But what about when it actually does come. When everything "human" about humanity is replaced. Replaced by sick, slow, bloody infec...