Chapter 35 Letter's Reckoning

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A month had passed since Bryce revealed the supposed truth to her, unravelling the web of deception that had once clouded her perception of Basil.

"It was all a misunderstanding, Imogen. I really think you should consider talking to him and clearing things up," Bryce's voice carried a note of earnest concern as he tried to bridge the gap between Imogen and her past.

Imogen's response was firm. "No, Bryce, I don't want to delve into it. He's a part of my history now."

"You know, Imogen, he cared deeply for you. He still does," Bryce's words held a hint of conviction, his eyes searching for a glimpse of understanding in hers.

Imogen's response was stark and unwavering. "I did love him once, but that's in the past. It's not the same anymore."

Imogen, along with her parents, had relocated to a cosy apartment situated in the charming neighbourhood of Smithfield after staying at Dillon's house for almost a week. This new abode proved to be incredibly convenient, being just a mere one mile distance from Conor's residence.

This proximity gifted her the freedom to spend time with him whenever her heart desired. As days turned into weeks, Imogen found herself growing increasingly fond of Dublin and all that it had to offer. The city was gradually weaving itself into her affections, becoming a place she could genuinely call home.

Liam's letter remained a persistent thought in the depths of her mind, an enigma that never failed to captivate her thoughts. Imogen found herself endlessly pondering its contents, questioning its purpose. What could have driven Liam to write such a letter? Was he considerate of her? If so, why hasn't he called her even once on his own?

The questions circled her thoughts like persistent echoes, an unsolved puzzle she couldn't ignore. Imogen was well aware that the answers she sought wouldn't materialise unless she confronted the situation head-on. On that day, she made the decision to pick up the phone and have the candid talk she so desperately needed. It was finally time to reach out to Liam and seek the truth, to dispel the uncertainty that had hovered for far too long.

Imogen called Liam, hoping to finally unravel the mystery that had been gnawing at her mind. However, the automated response informed her that Liam was currently engaged in another call. She attempted to reach out thrice, but each time, her calls went unanswered, leaving an impression that Liam was preoccupied with something significant, perhaps even someone important. As evening descended, casting its gentle glow over the surroundings, Imogen's phone finally buzzed with an incoming call - Liam was on the line.

Liam: Hey there, Imogen! Long time, isn't it?
Imogen: Absolutely. We haven't caught up much since I moved.
Liam: Yeah, college has been keeping me quite occupied. Not much phone time these days.
Imogen: I noticed. I called you earlier, but you seem to have been engrossed in something or someone.
Liam: Haha, guilty as charged. It was indeed someone important.
Imogen: Oh really? Care to share who this mysterious person is?
Liam: Tessa, my crush. She left for Washington last month to pursue her bachelor's degree.
Imogen: Wow, that's quite a revelation. How long have you known her?
Liam: About four months, I suppose.
Imogen: Did she go to our school?
Liam: No, she attended a different school, but we lived close by, so I used to see her heading to her school every day.
Imogen: Ah, got it. Did you ever confess your feelings before she left for New York?
Liam: I wish I could have, but I'm way too shy for that. But why all this curiosity?
Imogen: Just curious to know who managed to capture my ex-boyfriend's attention.
Liam: Well, your amusement is duly noted, though I'm not exactly amused.
Imogen: "Haha, couldn't resist."
Liam: Anyway, what about you, Imogen? Any crush or boyfriend?
Imogen : Lying As a matter of fact, yes. There's someone, but I'm grappling with how to express my feelings to him. He's leaving Dublin for Glasgow.
Liam: I might have a suggestion for you.
Imogen: Really? Lay it on me.
Liam: Why not write him a heartfelt letter and deliver it through a mutual friend?
Imogen: That's actually a pretty clever idea. How did you come up with it?
Liam : I think this is the finest idea to somehow let your crush know what's truly in your heart for them. Given that your crush is departing from Dublin, you could pen down your feelings in a letter and hand it over. No doubt, he surely will hold the letter in high esteem and also feel rather chuffed about being the recipient of affection from someone who took the time to write him a letter.
Imogen: Have you ever written a letter to someone?
Liam: I did, but my shyness got the better of me. I didn't want her to recognize my handwriting, so I never gave it to her.
Imogen: Did you finish writing the letter at least?
Liam: Yes, I completed it, but in the end, I decided not to give it. I discarded it on the road.
Imogen: Was that the day before I left London?
Liam: Yes, but how did you know?

Imogen was hit by a wave of shock, her body tingling with unexpected revelation. The truth she had uncovered was far more intricate and unpredictable than she had ever imagined. As her mind replayed the scenario, she realised that the letter Liam mentioned didn't pertain to her at all. Instead, it was directed at his crush, who coincidentally was leaving London too. The letter was never meant for her - it was meant for someone else entirely.

Imogen: I've got that letter, Liam.
Liam: What in the world? Where did you come across it?
Imogen: It wasn't me who stumbled upon it. Dora actually handed me the letter.
Liam: Right. I'm guessing Dora picked up the letter after I discarded it on the road and then shared it with you.
Imogen: She thought it was intended for me, that's why.
Liam: What the heck? That's weird. I never mentioned any girl's name. I simply wrote about having feelings for someone who was leaving London. I didn't bring up your name or Tessa's at all.
Imogen: Dora probably misunderstood because coincidentally your crush was leaving London when I was too.
Liam: I'm sure that's what had happened. I refrained from telling Dora because I was afraid she'd spread the word that I had a crush on her friend, Tessa.
Imogen: Dora and Tessa are friends?
Liam: Yes, they've met and hung out a lot. They are friends, for sure.
Imogen: It's weird and surprising. I had no clue they were friends. Moreover, I didn't guess the letter could be meant for someone else. I assumed it was directed at me, thinking you didn't want to give it to me because you were concerned it would bring back memories of our difficult times. But the reality is quite different.
Liam: These things happen, Imogen. But believe me, the letter wasn't meant for you. I don't comprehend why Dora grabbed onto this. Despite my assurances, she persisted in asking whether the letter was for you. I told her it wasn't, but she remained unconvinced. It's not my fault.
Imogen: You're right, Liam. Our mistake lies in the fact that I took Dora's word and believed it was meant for me. I thought maybe you had some sort of affection towards me but were unable to express it.
Liam: No, I don't. It's alright, don't blame yourself. This mess was stirred up by Dora.
Imogen: I'll have a talk with her about this.
Liam: That's the right thing to do.
Imogen: But I'm relieved that the truth has finally come out, and I can breathe easy now.
Liam: Haha, I'm glad to hear that.
Imogen: And oh, by the way, that earlier statement was false. I don't have a crush who's leaving Dublin. I've got a boyfriend.
Liam: That's great to hear! I'm glad you've found yourself one.
Imogen: It was sort of like love at first sight.
Liam: I suppose it's hard to put faith in that.
Imogen: It's not like that's a rare occurrence.
Liam : It's actually quite a common occurrence when two appealing individuals cross paths and sense a connection. Reciprocity is needed, I guess.
Imogen: And that's exactly what took place with me. We met each other on a Friday night, and by Saturday morning, we were already a couple.
Liam: Woah, that was fast!
Imogen: Yes, it might sound swift, but it just felt right, you know?
Liam: I get that. Sometimes you just sense a strong bond with someone from the very beginning.
Imogen: Exactly. It's like you've known each other for much longer than you actually have.
Liam: I'm glad you found that kind of connection, especially after all the past complications.
Imogen: Thank you, Liam. It's been quite a journey, but I'm finally in a good place now.
Liam: I'm genuinely glad, Imogen. You deserve all the ecstasy and care you must be getting.
Imogen: That means a lot, Liam. Thank you for understanding everything.
Liam: No problem. I may have been shy back then, but I still cared for you as a friend.
Imogen: And that friendship has carried through the years, despite everything that happened.
Liam: Definitely. We've both grown and moved on, and I'm glad we can still have a friendly chat.
Imogen: It's great catching up, Liam. And I appreciate your honesty regarding the letter.
Liam: Of course, honesty is the best policy, they say.
Imogen: laughs They certainly do. Anyway, it's getting late. I should probably get going now.
Liam: Alright, take care, Imogen. Don't hesitate to reach out if you want to chat again.
Imogen: Thanks, Liam. I will. Goodbye for now!
Liam: Goodbye, Imogen. Have a good night!
Imogen : You too!

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