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As much as I wanted this to last forever, I knew that if I don't pull away now I might not be able to control my next actions. 

I slowly pull our lips apart, but stay close to her. We were both trying to catch our breath while looking into each others eyes, supposing that we both are blushing like crazy.

"Fuck.. that was perfect.. that was what I was dying for ever since that hug" I say to her quietly but determined and sure in what I'm saying. I wasn't shy, I wasn't scared. I knew what I felt, how I feel, and I wanted her to know it as well. 

"I couldn't agree more" She replies and makes my heart skip a beat as I finally hear positive words leave her mouth. I smile widely, trying to control it so I don't look like a crazy ass clown.

"Well.. Mackenna.. I don't even know your last name, yet I'm thinking about marrying you" I joke, letting out a nervous chuckle "Driscoll. Mackenna Driscoll." She replies and I smile "Mackenna Driscoll, will you do me the honor and go out on a date with me?" I say, wrapping my arms around her, slowly pulling her in a hug while smiling like an idiot at her, waiting for her response "Well.. Mr. Amos.. I have to check my schedule first" She adds a bit of accent on my last name, making me bite on my lower lip and say quietly to her, while looking into her eyes "My last name has never sounded so beautiful and so sexy at the same time" which causes her to hit my chest playfully "Control yourself, Mr. Amos, we have just met each other" she giggles and I continue "That doesn't change the fact that I'd love to f-"

"Your mother." she cuts me off and I make a disgusted face "Ew no, not my mother, what?!" but she takes a step back and pushes me away as my mother approaches us "There you are! I've been looking for you!" I hear her voice from behind me and I turn around, praying to God that she doesn't embarrass me. 

"Hello, mother." I reply coldly, trying to tell her with my eyes to go away but instead she ignores me and peaks her head by me to take a look at Mackenna "Ah, I finally get to meet you" She holds out a hand for Mackenna and she shakes it firmly, making me smile proudly as she stood her ground this time, not to mention the dominance over my mother is a big plus. 

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Amos, I'm Mackenna and if Kasper hasn't told me such beautiful things about you, I'd thought you were his sister, but you do have a glow of a mother who has a successful company and three wonderful kids!" 

Okaaay way to go Mackenna, if I don't marry you, she for sure will - I think to myself as I watch my mother's smile grow to a genuine one and she decides to give compliments back "Kasper has told me such wonderful things about you, but you are even prettier than he described you. And that dress, it must be a custom made by some famous designer if my eyes don't lie" My mother says and all I wanted to do was laugh since I've never mentioned Mackenna to her, except for the day when she yelled at her.

"Oh I'm glad you like it, I actually made it myself. It's my hobby for the past few years and I'll take your professional opinion as a compliment and as a sign that I'm doing a pretty good job" Mackenna replies with a nice save "Well, beautiful and talented, my friends would probably love to meet you and come to your salon for custom made clothes" My mother adds, waiting for Mack's response, but she goes quiet so I jump in

"Actually, Mackenna is just renovating this new place and is in the process of moving her salon but as soon as it's done I'll personally take you and your friends to a grand opening." to which my mother joyfully smiles and agrees to that then leaves.

I turn to Mackenna and smile "You are a natural, you've totally won her over, even faster than you won me" I add and lean down to place a soft kiss on her cheek "Well your lie did, I don't have a salon not to mention that I'm moving to a bigger place" she rolls her eyes and I chuckle "What if your CEO boyfriend helps you with that tiny little detail?" I offer and realize I've just called myself her boyfriend but I go with it, official or not, she is mine already.

"CEO boyfriend? Oh wow, would love to meet this guy" She teases me but I clench my fists and look away "You aren't funny, you know that?" I mumble through my teeth and she switches the subject by grabbing the flowers from the railing and smiles at me "These are beautiful, thank you" to which I nod my head, not being able to stay mad at her for way too long.

"Now, prince Charming, I'm afraid I must say a goodbye" She acts like a princess in distress, making us both laugh "Noo.. stay for a bit longer, please" I make pouty lips at her and watch her shake her head "God.. I finally got you all to myself and you are going to just leave me here?" I whine looking at her, but she just winks at me and starts walking away "You can take me home if you want." so I start following her, letting out a groan "You are such a loser for making it this hard for me to win you over." to which she giggles and greets Emilio and Ariadna on her way out.

I lead her to my car as she texts Stella that I'm taking her home but by the looks of it and since there were nowhere to be found, they probably left already or are hooking up in one of our guest rooms. 

I open the car door for her and help her hop in since she was short and my car had a small step to get in, I hold her hand for the first time there and smile at the feeling of how it perfectly fits in mine. 

Once we arrive at the front of her house, I look over at her with a smile on my face as I notice how tired and sleepy she looks "Someone is sleepy?" I ask and she nods her head slowly, leaning it on my shoulder so my hand instantly reaches over to her cheek, gently rubbing it with my thumb as I more her hair out of her face "Thank you for tonight, for coming, for the present for Emilio, and well everything else that's happened since then" I smile and talk to her, noticing her relax under my touch "Thank you for making me feel special, Kasper" She mumbles tiredly, making me smile proudly, biting on my lower lip "I'm glad I made you feel that way."

She lifts her head up but before she could say anything, I pull her over to my lap, placing my hand on her hip and other on the back of her head, pulling her in for a kiss, which she gladly accepts. 

My hands find their way to rest on her hips while we makeout for a good few minutes in my seat, holding her firmly on my lap while her hands wander through my hair then over my shoulders and chest.

I pull slowly away and whisper against her lips "We better say goodnight because if we don't, I won't be able to fight the urge to take you to the backseat of my car" 

She nods her head in understanding way and giggles a bit "You really can't even control yourself confessing to me three times those feelings tonight" making me blush a bit at that fact but it wasn't my fault, it's the way she makes me feel. 

So after our goodnight kiss and after I watched her get into her house safely, I drive back home where I won't let these feelings go to waste tonight, even if I'm just by myself, I'll have the thought of her in my mind.

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