9. Home Invasion Part 1

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Movie Shadow's Point Of View

As we ran back to Marina's house, Modern ran beside me. "Hey Shadow? When we heard the commotion earlier, you had a look on your face that concerned me, what happened that you're not telling me?" Modern asked in deep concern. I wasn't expecting that to be brought up, so I sighed sadly. "Well Remember the curse Sonic dealt with?" I asked seriously. "Yeah, how could I forget?" Modern replied nervously. "Well it was officially called The Possession Virus and in the last nightmare he had, he was whipped! And then on our summer vacation, after we got our mer powers, a marine biologist forced us to surrender to her for study. She snapped to an extreme degree when it came to Marina dating Sonic." I said but I couldn't get the next words out for the memories were too painful and made me choke up. "Shadow? What happened?!" Modern asked seriously. "She....she tortured Marina to the point of passing out, including with a whip! Her lash wounds were much more severe than Sonic's, but thankfully I knew what to do and that's also when I discovered my healing ability." I replied shakily. "No way! It's no wonder Movie did what he did just a few minutes ago!" Modern said in horror.

Movie Sonic's Point Of View

When I over heard Modern and Shadow talking about that infamous day, both me and Marina stopped in our tracks just as we arrived in front of Marina's house. "Oh Modern it was a thousand times more horrible than you're picturing it! Immediately after that woman tortured Marina, I was brought to where they were and the sight of Marina was unbearable! She was crying and screaming in agonizing pain as I held her in my arms protectively! She even passed out again! And that dark Sonic form you saw was triggered which is When my protective instincts are at their peak! I apparently scared her so much that it brought her back to her senses and she never bothered us again." I added before turning to Marina. "But Marina? Why didn't you tell me it was bothering you this whole time?! You know you can tell me anything. I could've helped you through it so much sooner." I asked in deep concern. "I'm so sorry Sonic, it's just...it was a moment that was already upsetting to you. I didn't want to make it worse. But from now on, no more secrets." Marina said as we hugged each other. Then after the hug, she looked me dead in the eyes. "Now I know this won't be an easy question to answer, but how did you survive all those years alone? Especially the harsh, freezing cold, Montana winters?!" Marina asked me with deep seriousness. It took me several moments to find my words because I didn't want to look back to those times ever again, especially the harsh winters. "Well survival in general was thanks to Longclaw, she taught me everything I'd need. However, since we lived on a tropical island, we didn't get cold winters, nor snow. So I was completely unprepared for it. The first year was the hardest. I thought just staying in my cave would be enough to protect me from the cold, but it wasn't so I ran into town and found a house that was empty. I found away in and stayed there until it was warm again. Not long after that winter, I found out the house belonged to a family who goes on a long winter trip every year. So that's how I managed. However, one year, the weather was so bad that I couldn't make it to the house and I got very sick, which scared me because that would mean I was venerable to being attacked by larger animals! I felt more alone then ever up to that point. I kept asking myself questions in that moment like, am I going to die like this? So alone that no one would be there to morn me, miss me, remember me?" I couldn't continue and sobbed. All of a sudden, I felt several arms around me. I opened my eyes to see the others hugging me. "Don't worry Sonic, that will never happen because you'll never be alone again!" Marina cried as she hugged me more firmly. "Thanks guys, I really needed that!" I said happily. Then we headed inside.

Normal Point Of View

Meanwhile on Möbius, an echidna was running to his hut where his father was. "Father, I have news! We've finally located the hedgehog!" The echidna explained as he caught his breath. "This is excellent news, Knuckles! Now where is he?" Knuckles' Father asked eagerly. "He is on a planet known as Earth." Knuckles replied seriously. "Then all of us must prepare for the journey!" Knuckles' Father exclaimed and the whole tribe prepared for another ambush on our blue hero. "We're almost ready but before we leave, I have a mission for you Knuckles. Go to Earth now and do some reconnaissance and report back to us once you have enough information to ambush him with no chance of him escaping again." Knuckles' Father explained with pride. "As you wish Father, I won't let you down!" Knuckles said confidently as he took out a  portal ring and prepared to throw it. "Be careful son." Knuckles' Father said as he quickly hugged him. "I will Father." Knuckles said and with that, he left for Earth. But when he arrived, it was in the woods not too far from G.U.N. HQ.

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