Demon Lord vs Ruler of Skies (P/Finale)

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(Read this in Dark Mode, this is a threat 🔫)

Jura Forest
Night time
Rimuru's POV

Charybdis's skin and scales were tough, Rimuru realized that the moment he striked it.

He managed to spin and slice around it's arm in an instant, but the thing just shrugged it off.

The attack barely landed a dent through it's scales, it's just a shallow spiralling line across it's arm.

What's more, Rimuru had imbued the Storm element on his naginata when slicing through its skin. The corrosion should have taken immediate effect, but he couldn't sense it at all...

Does this guy have {Infinite Regeneration}? Rimuru thought.

That explains how it healed from the Storm element so easily.

One handed tactics like this won't work. Rimuru would need to use something else to damage it.

Therefore, he used one of his Ultimate Skills.



The giant sphere begins to cover the beasts head, beginning to devour it in an instant.

The beast began to roar, confused at what was devouring it's head.

It could see black mist seeping from the tips of his eyes, as if trying to devour his whole body. It was as if it was something that hadn't eaten in years, yearning to feast on whatever it catches.


The beast began to roar in agony, moving around as it tried to get the mist off of it self.

It began discharging huge amounts of Magicules at its head, to somehow propel the vortex away.

It's two upper arms aimed at whatever was behind it's head, the caster of this attack.

Rimuru dodged it's incoming fists, deactivating Beelzebub.

Rimuru: (Damn bastard, forced me to disable Beelzebub.)

It was the second time he had witnessed his most powerful offensive skill pushed back.

The first was his fight with Velzard, when she smashed through his Ultimate Skill using her Ice element.

And now, he was forced to pull back Beelzebub against a beast discharging magicules rivalling a True Dragon.

Albeit, unlike last time, Charybdis used sheer brute force to strike through his Ultimate Skill. Velzard, on the other hand, had used an Ultimate Magic.

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