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In a world where difference is a sin, and this sin becomes your worst nightmare because it punish you for only breathing, for merely wanting to live till the end. He knows it all too well. Jin certainly could tell you how hard life can be to one. He experienced it all. From being abandoned to abused to rejected, Jin knew it all. He went through everything life had to pour on him. He felt it all and lived with it. Did he have a choice ?

Absolutely not.

Thousands of years of living. It took him thousands of years to finally find a semblance of what he could call 'home'. Yeah, it's hard to live or at least to keep your two feet on Earth while being different. Jin's case is special, he could never leave even if he wanted to. Life was hard but he could not give it up even if he wanted to. Being immortal isn't really a gift you know.

A vampire, that's what Jin was. At least that is the name who was given to him by the ones he encountered. People called him many names, but 'vampire' was by far the most common one along with 'monster'.

Sometimes Jin just want to remind all those people who hate him for being who he is, that he didn't chose to be born. That if he could turn back time, he would definitely stop his own creation. But what could he do. Life was never on his side. Or he thought.

After many years of suffering alone, Jin finally met someone like him, someone different. After this instant he knew he wasn't the only one suffering from this curse. He knew what he had to do the second his eyes led on the small figure of a young man devouring the neck of a once beautiful woman.

The man was shedding tears continously very much aware of the life he was taking away from the body he was holding. Yet despite the numbers of tears shed he still didn't stop. He knew he was killing someone. He knew he was turning into a monster. He felt it all. The heartbeat of the girl decreasing, the flow of the blood he was forcefully taking out of her body decreasing. He was aware of it all. And as much as he wished he wasn't, he was still fully conscious of his action on the consequences it would hold in the future.

At that precise moment, when both knew it was too late and the life was already drained out of her now pale body, the moment they made eyes contact Jin understood. He understood the relationship the boy had with the girl before the thirst made him blind. He understood all the feelings that were going through the boy's body and mind. The type of feelings that make you feel horrible and won't leave you until your mind is fully crushed.

That day Jin made a promise to himself. No one should experience these feelings because of the curse. He wouldn't let his fate be reflected in others lives. Not on his watch. He would help them. Yeah, he would find them shelter and help them overcome the mischiefs of the curse. Just like he did but this time they wouldn't be alone.

As such, after few more hundreds years, Jin succeeded. He finally achieve his goal and had now 5 young men victims of the curse under his care. Just like he promised he found them a home, he saved them from their bloodlust and he took care of them till now. For the first time in his long existence, he was finally happy. He felt like he had a family and he had someone waiting for him to come home. To their home.

He had his own nest.


"JIN HYUNG!" A blond boy shouted at the other, making him come out of his deep thoughts. He was confused when he looked up and saw one of his young member standing in front of him with his arms folded, looking at him while frowning.

"Where were you lost that you didn't even hear us come back an hour ago, hyung?" He asked once he knew he finally had the attention of the older.

Jin was as confused as the blond was. He was cooking dinner for his members while they were out hunting to quench their thirst and then decided to take a little break. All he remember is sitting on the couch looking at an old picture of all of them together, while thinking at the past and how they all met. And then he was lost in deep thoughts before the other woke him out of his daydream.

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