Chapitre 5

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    Jungkook was sitting on the bed, his arms wrapped around his legs, while his chin was peacefully resting on his knees. Since he woke up a few hours ago he didn't move from the bed, finding the white sheets more comforting than anything. He spent all his time staring at the only door of the room, contemplating if this would be the key to his escape or the obstacle keeping him away from freedom.

Restlessly waiting for one of the vampires to enter, he couldn't help but remember how good it felt to be in the arms of the man today. The only explainable reason would be the unbearable pain he felt and the other just happened to come in and take the pain away from him. Maybe it was a way to make him trust them. But Jungkook won't fell for it.

He clearly heard when the other vampires got back home an hour ago or so and that made him more anxious. He wasn't hungry anymore but he was really weak, too weak to fight against them. Fidgeting with his fingers he tried to divert his mind from the negative thoughts. Unconsciously, he started playing with his tongue, drawing the shape of the sharp teeth in his mouth.

Unable to determine what he was, since when he was roaming in the street, and what does the strange men want from him, all this fueling his actual frustration. The mere thought of what happened to him in the past never crossed his mind till now. He was too engaged in surviving rather than understanding the phenomenon striking his body. 

But right now it was different. Except for the constant fear of being in the same space as one of the men of the house, he was the safest here.

He didn't have to run away from danger like he does everytimes. He didn't have to seek for food everynight, praying someone would just pass by. The bed and the room he was actually staying in made him feel warmth for the first time. If you would ask him, Jungkook would rather stay here than going back to the street. The only reason he still wants to escape from this warm new feeling ? The full band of stangers living behind the door with obviously an ulterior motive.

No way these strange creatures would be harmless when he met tone of their types in the streets, all of them after his food or his throat. He couldn't trust them. It was a matter of life or death.

Still playing with this time the hem of the soft trousers they gave him, Jungkook barely noticed the door of the room opening to reveal an almost new face peeking inside. However, he flinched hard when he heard the click of the door closing, his overdeveloped senses back now that he broke out of his thoughts. He looked up with horror seeing another man standing close to the bed HE was laying in.

Panick rushed through his veins witnessing the man taking determined steps towards him, a wicked smirk displayed on his face. Not feeling good at all by the closeness, he quickly turned around, crawling to run out of bed and hide in a corner. But to his luck he didn't have time to do so, the man grabbing both his feet and pulling him back fully on the soft matress. Before Jungkook could register what was happening to him, the intruder turned him over so he wasn't on his belly anymore, but facing the mischievious eyes in front of him.

Now the young vampire wasn't just panicking, he was scared as hell. He tried to push the other with his shaking hands when he saw him placing himself on top of his body. He felt caged with the man's hands staying near his head to support his weight, while the legs were sprayed on both sides of the younger's small body. He couldn't move even if he wanted to. He knew just by having the man's body above him that he was a lot stronger than him. And that was just physical, who know how much strength he is hidding.

The piercing gaze of the other was making him very uncomfortable. He was just about to try again thrashing around to get out of the man's hold, when he heard a very soft voice.

"OMG you are soo cute !!" Jimin, the one that just barged in the room a few minutes ago, exclaimed while squealing loudly. The vampire couldn't help but tease the younger when he saw his scared face. And now seeing the confused gaze of the baby, he felt the urge to tease more. So without wasting his time, he pinched the younger's chubby cheeks before starting to tickle him. He wanted to hear him laugh, as well as be the first one to develop a great bond with the younger.

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