2- Scared of Losing

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After a few months _

"Kimhan.. I want to go for a vacation. It's suffocating to stay at home. I want to spend more time with you and Viky."

"I know. I'm sorry for not giving my two apple pies enough time. Where do you wanna go?"

"Humm.. I wanna see the northern lights."

"As you wish darling.."

Kim placed a soft kiss on his hubby's lips.

As they planned within a few weeks they fly to Norway. Vegas is overwhelmed to spend time with Kimhan and Viky after long time outta their mansion.

The aurora makes the night sky magical. It's cold but Kim's hug makes Vegas feel warm.

Kim kneeled down and again confused his love to his hubby under the stars, moon and the aurora

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Kim kneeled down and again confused his love to his hubby under the stars, moon and the aurora.

"I don't know how to express the love I have for you in my heart.. I love you seems so short.. Hugh.. just know I'll die without you."

"Don't say that... I love you, Kimhan.. I love you.."

Everytime they confess their love to each other, every time they say "I love you" to each other the more they feel their bond deepened.

Every hug, every soft smile, every passionate kiss make them feel how they long for each other.

Every small thing is important & precious.

The more love grows, the more it hurts when it fall apart. That's what scares Vegas.

Day by day their love is growing and Vegas' heart is hurting.

Sometimes he zoned out as his thoughts consumed him.

Yet he tried his best to enjoy his moments with his loved ones.


Vegas takes his pills. But he's losing his appetite. He feels dizzy and weak.

After coming back from the trip Kim again got busy with work and dealing.

He comes late at night and every night he finds his two stars sleeping peacefully.

Kim took Viky to her room.

"Did Vegas eat anything?" He asked the butler.

"No Khun.. Khun Vegas said he's not hungry."


Kim delicately took Vegas in bridal style. Still Vegas woke up then smiled at his hubby.

"You haven't eat your dinner yet?"

"I don't have an appetite and my head is hurting. I wanna sleep."

Vegas got more clingy to his hubby. Kim placed a kiss on his forehead then went to their room.

"Babe... You should eat.. you're losing your weight. You're light as a feather. Look at these bags under your eyes. I know rising a child is not easy. I'm sorry I can't give you guys much time. You didn't even let me hire a nanny. Babe.. I'm getting worried about your health. Should we consult a doctor?"

"I'm ok Kimmy... Don't worry. You know I love to be with her."

"Our princess is making you work out too much huh?"

"Hmm.. she's being too tizzy now.. I have to run the whole mansion to feed her. Hehe.. but I enjoy my time with her."

Vegas smiled in tiredness but in satisfaction.

"Oh babe.. take care of yourself too.. both of your babies need you."

Kim placed a goodnight kiss on his hubby's lips. Vegas got tacky to Kim's chest. They sleep between each other's warmth.


Vegas is running after Viky again with food.  But today he's falling behind. His breathing is hitched. It's getting hard for his lungs to get the air.

His head is spinning as it's hurting so bad.

Kimhan is here with flowers because today he planned a date with his hubby. Viky jumped to his papa Kim.

"Viky.. you're again making my hubby running after you.. little devil?"

"Today I win.. papa Ve couldn't catch me today!"

"Oh really?.. where's your papa Ve?.. there he is.."

Vegas struggled to walk. Suddenly he fell down on the floor.


Kim rushed to hold the other.

"Vegas... What's wrong with you?! I told you to eat properly.. you..."

Kim stopped at the midway in shock. Vegas' mouth is bleeding. He's losing conscious.

Kinn, Mac including Tankhun got scared after hearing Vegas' sudden collapse.

They rushed to the hospital. Kim consulted minor family's doctor Mr. Copper.

After a few tests & CT scan the doctor called Kim. Kinn also followed them.

Kim's already scared to death.

"Doctor... What happened with Vegas?! He suddenly collapsed. Is he alright now?"

"Khun.. please calm down and listen to me.. Vegas' condition at this point.. is not ok."

"What... What's wrong with him?"

"Let me get into the point... Vegas.. has a brain hemorrhage.. and he's in his last stage now. He left not much time."


Kim lost his temper. But Kinn stopped him.

"Kim!! Let Mr. Copper finish.. doctor.. can you tell us in detail?"

"Well.. Vegas got a slight hemorrhage in his teenage time. Maybe during a fight he got hit on his head. I know how Khun Gun used to treat him. But we found out about this almost 6 years ago when he consulted with me for his severe headache.
The blood clotting was increasing. At that point a surgery's success was only 10 to 15%. He could fall into a coma even death.
That's why he refused to have the surgery. I gave him some medicine to control his headache and the clotting.
Normally a patient of brain hemorrhage doesn't survive for long. It's a medical miracle that Vegas survived 6 years. For last 3 months his condition is getting worse. I gave him high dose of medicine.. Hugh.. unfortunately.. he left not much time now.. I'm sorry."

Kim became a statue. His ears doesn't want to believe the things he heard.

He calmly walked to Vegas' room.

His eyes are closed. Oxygen mask and different mechanics are attached to him.

Kim sit down to watch the other's slow breathing.

Kim's mind is crashing, heart's aching.

Kim was worried but now he's scared.. scared of losing his love. He wants to forget doctor's words. He wants Vegas to be alright.

He can't lose Vegas. Vegas is his.. for this lifetime even every lifetime ever exist in this universe.


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