Prologue: A Good Old Fashioned Casino Heist. Interrogation Begins

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y/n = your name.

l/n = last name.

3rd POV

Our scene opens to a shimmering lake, reflecting the lights of the night from a large city nearby. The sound of helicopters flying overhead rips through the air. Following the helicopters, we find that their destination is a large, fancy, some might even say gaudy, casino. Cutting inside the neon lit building, we see the faces of many worried and unsettled patrons, while several men in suits run throughout the main floor. Suddenly, two black figures jump from one hanging chandelier to another, drawing the eyes of a few people below.

Woman: What's that?

The two figures can now be seen splitting up and jumping from light fixture to light fixture, drawing more and more attention while they do.

Man: There's something here!

Woman: Are those people?!

After a while of this, the two both make seemingly impossible long jumps from opposing sides of the wall to a chandelier in the middle. The two stand up from their crouched landing positions and stare down at all the people below. Having a clear view of them now, we can see that the first figure is a boy carrying a sliver case. He wears a long black tailcoat that reaches down to his knees, and a high necked waistcoat underneath. He also wears black pants, a pair of brown, pointy toed boots with slightly higher than average heels, and red gloves. On his face is a white domino mask with black accents, proudly laying on his face.

The other figure wears a slightly similar outfit, a small black cloak around his neck, along with a black suit with red accents

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The other figure wears a slightly similar outfit, a small black cloak around his neck, along with a black suit with red accents. He also wears clawed gloves, black pants, and brown shin high boots that have the pants tucked into them. The strangest thing is his head, which strongly resembles that of a raven.

The gasps and cries of the casino patrons begin crying out, as more and more people begin noticing the duo

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The gasps and cries of the casino patrons begin crying out, as more and more people begin noticing the duo.

Man: Look, up there!

Woman: What are they doing?!

Three men in sunglasses, however, are very calm and professional, one of them reaching up to his earpiece.

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