Chapter 2: What's a Morgana? The Struggles of School Life

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y/n POV

I stare down the shaking frame of Kamoshida, as the dark shroud that's swirling around my body takes the form of a monstrous dark bird with sharp claws and glowing yellow eyes. The knights that were previously pinning me to the wall with their spears were blown away by Dark Shadow erupting out of my chest and swirling around me.

Dark Shadow: I am Dark Shadow! I am the fragmented torment inside your body given form! From this day on, we are one and the same. Now, say the word and we'll rip any opponent to pieces with our power!

y/n: Hmhmhm, I like the sound of that. Let's start with these fools!

Kamoshida: Who the hell are you two?!

You two? I turn to look at Akira and see him in an entirely different, and admittedly snazzy, outfit. He also has a large red being behind him, not too different from what happened with me. I guess I still haven't seen my own outfit though, so I should check that later. But for now...

y/n: We're the two who are going to destroy you.

Kamoshida: Guards! Start by killing those two!

The knights stand up and face us, before contorting into creatures that look like jack O lanterns on holding lanterns.

The knights stand up and face us, before contorting into creatures that look like jack O lanterns on holding lanterns

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y/n: Please, don't make me laugh. You and your army...

Dark Shadow: ...Are nothing compared to us!!

Dark Shadow lunges forwards, swinging his claws wildly. He slashed through two of the guards with ease, causing them to disintegrate into a black goo like substance. Akira's creature flies at the remaining guard and slices it clean in half with a bladed heel.

Ryuji: What the...

Kamoshida: Damn, you bastards!

Ryuji, snapping out of his daze, charges at Kamoshida and knocks him to the ground, hard.

Ryuji: How do you like that, you piece of shit!?

Akira: Ryuji, get his keys!

Ryuji: Huh, oh right!

Ryuji scoops the keys that Kamoshida dropped up off the ground. The three of us run out of the cell, quickly locking it behind us. He then takes the keys and throws them in a small river running through the dungeon.

Ryuji: There! He won't be getting out for a while.

Kamoshida: Damn you!

Ryuji then looks at us both, his eyes going wide as he looks at me in particular.

Ryuji: Woah, what happened to your guys's clothes?

Ryuji then points his finger at me.

Ryuji: And what the hell happened to your head!?

y/n: What's wrong with my head?

Akira: Uhh, you look like a bird. Your head, anyways.

Wait, huh? I begin feeling my head and discover that it doesn't feel anything like my head, nor like anyone's head! I have feathers in the back of my head and a beak in place of my mouth! I grip my new face and try prying it off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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