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-On the phone-

Friend (Moe)


Hey there, my dear ! Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. I can't wait to explore more things with you. :)

Y/N :

You know I'm always up for some fun with you! Do you have any ideas for what we could do together today? :D


Why not go to the skatepark ? Sounds like a lot of fun !


It indeed sounds like a blast! I can't wait to shred some gnarly moves with you at the park. See ya there!👋


On a sunny afternoon‚ Moe arrived at the skatepark to find Y/N already there, showing off her impressive skateboarding skills. After finally noticing him‚ she greeted him with a warm smile and infectious energy that he returns, urging him to join her and try out some tricks.

(The quality☠️)

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(The quality☠️)

Though hesitant at first, Moe already knew some tricks that he learned from the day he went to the skatepark with his siblings but wasn't as good as Y/N so she taught him other basic tricks and also some secret tips to land difficult ones ‚ good thing that he learns pretty fast.

They soon found themselves laughing and enjoying the rush of adrenaline as they skateboarded together. Around the park, their movements were fluid and effortless, impressing the other skaters who had stopped to watch.

Moe felt his heart racing as he prepared to attempt the trick Y/N had taught him. With determination in his eyes, he took a deep breath and launched into the air. She watched with bated breath as he landed the trick perfectly, her heart swelling with pride and admiration for her friend's bravery.

They both couldn't help but laugh with surprise as they celebrated his success.They glided around the park with ease, performing daring maneuvers and Moe couldn't help but feel a burst of lustful energy towards Y/N admiring her grace and daring spirit as she flew through the air.

They were feeling hungry and thirsty after showing off their skills to eachother by playing a game of S.K.A.T.E ‚ and stopped by a taco truck on the way home. They sat together on a bench enjoying their tasty snacks and lemonade, suddenly Moe couldn't help but feel a rush of sensual energy towards Y/N.

He reached out and lightly brushed a strand of hair from her face, his eyes darkening with desire. As they gazed into each other's eyes, they both realized that their connection ran deeper than just friendship.

For Y/N it was the perfect opportunity ‚ she knew that skating was something that Moe wanted to try for a long time and be better at it and what a good idea to thank him for this amazing day as well as surprise him with a new skate board that she had in her backpack
(He couldn't afford a real one and arrived at the skatepark with a Walmart skate board that Rooney gave him)

Moe's heart swelled with happiness‚ his mouth wide open as he started to stutter: " don't even know what to say....thank you...THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

He was so shocked and couldn't contain his excitement as he hugged her tightly. She could smells his cologne that she loves and returns the hug by rubbing her hands on his back. She could also hear him whispering something very fast but couldn't catch what he said ‚ sounded like " i love you Y/N" but she tried to play it off by saying : 'I feel the same way, Moe.' as they separate themselves.

By confessing her feelings for him‚ with a wide grin and a twinkle in his eye, he took her hand and pulled her close, gazing deeply into her eyes.

Moe: "I'm so glad to hear that Y/N" he murmured, his voice soft and tender.

He hesitated a second but went for peppering her with kisses on her cheeks, expressing his gratitude and love for her. The warmth and affection between them was electric, each lost in their own thoughts of the other. Moe leaned in, capturing Y/N's lips in a fiery kiss filled with passion and desire.

As they broke apart, a sly grin spread across their faces as their love for each other only grew with each passing day.

They then decided to continue on skating through the now dark city streets like nothing happened ‚ exploring their passion for skateboarding ‚ weaved in and out of traffic, dodging obstacles and leaping over curbs with ease.

As they rode together, Moe couldn't help but admire her daring spirit and the way her body moved gracefully on the skates.

As the night fell ‚ they both walked hand in hand with their boards in their other hands and the new extra board Y/N bought him on his backpack with his knee pads and helmet in it ‚ towards Y/N's home because Moe wanted to walk her home.

In front of her house‚ she turned to face him and said : 'This was amazing, Moe. Thank you for showing me all these cool spots.'

Moe's face lit up with joy as she thanked him for showing her the hidden skateboarding spots around the city by kissing his cheek. He grinned mischievously and took her hand as he leaned in close to her, whispering : 'I can't imagine my life without you Y/N'‚ his voice filled with tenderness and affection.

She blushed, feeling a surge of desire and excitement towards her loving partner ‚ and decided to plant a gentle kiss on his lips.

Breaking apart‚ they waved at each other by the hand as he walks backwards not breaking the eye contact and smiling then finally break it when he's far away by yelling "Thanks again for the board ‚ i'll never thank you enough!"

Their hearts beating with newfound passion and excitement from the exciting day they had shared.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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