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" Jung Kook "

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" Jung Kook "

People think living the life as an Idol is all fun. They think we have all under our feet. The fame, the luxury, the devotion of fans and all. They think we are living the life as the happiest, greatest of all. Trust me we are not.

Living among the stars of the sky, trying to shine bright continuesly, brighter than one another is like trying to inhale the oxygen under deep ocean. So hard . So fucking hard.

Living like an Idol whom everyone knows, everyone wants to reach, reach for both good and bad aespect leaves us nothing but living like a prisoner with invisible wall of jail around us. We can't go out just whenever we want, we can't buy, can't ride anything, can't even inhale the fresh air anytime if we just want. Every steps of us have to be measured. Every steps, every breathes. Because there are eyes watching us. Eyes and eyes everywhere. Our life is nothing but a rule that was never invented by us. Abiding the rules which most of the time doesn't leave us with anything but a lost soul.

Though i was always among the rule breakers. I loved to break rules as much as i loved to sing with all my devotion. Singing is the only thing that makes me feel alive. It's the only thing that holds me back from leaving the life of the star. Life of the ultimate loneliness.

Though i love to break rules but i always get stucked while breaking one though. That is roaming around free without the fear of getting harmed. Sometimes the harm doesn't even come from the haters. Sometimes the crazy fans crosses all of their limits of obsession they jump into my body like nothing but brainless zombie. I don't consider them as even fan at all. They are just those attention seeker, who want to suck all the light of the star inside of themselves.

But night usually comes with exception though. Changing the appearance at the darkness of the night really helps a lot to roam around at least a little carefree, a little independently without having any unnecessary headache.

So i often go for night out, all by myself by changing my appearance as much as i can just as iam doing right now. 

Iam walking by the streets of one of the most quiet place of the city. Iam walking all alone, my car parked around the last corner of the street. I usually don't like to bring any bodyguards or assistant when i come out for night walk. Because it's my me time and i want nothing but peace which i find in darkness. All alone.

Darkness always tempted me, lured me to the places that calmed my burning soul. Moreover i always deal with crowd of peoples, cheering and screaming for me.  So i don't like the peoples existence at the nighttime, in the dark where i find my ultimate peace.

Tugging my hands on my pocket of the leather pant, i pull my hood more forward on my head, making it covering the upper portion of my face more deeply. And for the lower part of the face, i have my mask on which is not the same as usually i wear at the daytime or during my airport fashion scenes.

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