~ Beyond Everything ~

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" Y/N "

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" Y/N "

Applying the gloss over my cherry red lipstick, i glare at the mirror to see my complete look one last time.

My hair is loosely tied up with the black ribbon as iam wearing the black long gown which came as a gift with a note this morning infront of my door. The gift which was sent by none other than the man whose darkest side was somehow actually unlocked by me. My idol, my devotion, my limerence, Jeon Jung Kook.

I can't believe it still though. Everything still feels like nothing but a dream to me. I still feel like my alarm will goes on anytime and i will wake up from my sleep, my dream shattering into pieces.

It was yesterday when i found myself on his bed, wearing the t shirt of him on my body and the marks of his claiming me on my skin. Yesterday morning was the last time that i saw him until tonight. Yesterday morning he said he wanted to keep me and shamelessly agreed to keep in touch with him. Though we didn't meet until tonight again but he kept texting me, asking about myself, my history, my likes, dislikes, my family even. He also texted, asking me if i was free on tonight. And last night i told him i was free so this morning he sent this dress along with a note infront of my door.

The note attached with the box said,

" Hey sweetheart! I hope you're doing well? Well but iam not. Since the moment i got your taste, i can't ever concentrate on any other thing other than you. You are always on my mind, on my deepest darkest thoughts. Iam really dying to have you again under my skin. I want to devour you as my dinner tonight. You will let me do that won't you? I know you want me too sweetheart.

And as you're going to be my meal, i want to see you wrapped around on my favorite color before i devour you. So iam sending you this dress. Wear it and meet me at the following address tonight.

( * Address, location * )

Forever yours,
Jungkook. "

Forever mine? Is he? I don't know.

Wearing my black heels, i take my purse on my hand as i get a text from him again which says,

Jeon : I sent a cab for you sweetheart. Though i wanted to come by myself and pick you up but you denied to have a ride on my car just like yesterday. I know you're doing it for me but,... okay just take the cab and meet me to our destination. I am eagerly waiting for you here.

I look at the phone screen as i recall why did i actually deny to take a ride from his car. Because it's been just the starting of whatever we are going to have and i don't ever want to risk his career by breaking some scandals throughout the media. Because he is a star! An idol who must maintain a lot of rules. So if a random girl will be seen with him on his own car, the paparazi will create a huge mess and his whole career can be under threat. I can clearly understand that iam not allowed to roam around with him randomly.

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