Healing but also Reveal?

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Tanjiro's POV

After maybe five minutes Tomioka-san and Kocho-san came in with Sumi-chan, Kyio-chan, and Naho-chan "Good to know you're awake Kamado-san" Kocho-san said while coming into the room with Tomioka-san, and the girls "do you know what happened Kocho-san?" I said with a confused tone "Well not exactly but I know that you did faint but I'm not sure of what the cause was, do you remember what you were doing or talking about?" Said Kocho-san "Umm, I know I was talking to Tomioka-san but I don't remember what it was about." I said quicker than I normally would "Oh, okay I'll ask Tomioka-san about it later if he's willing to talk" Shinobu-san said, "I may be able to get him to tell me.." I say with a small hesitation worrying that she wouldn't let me "As long as you don't faint again then yes I could bring Tomioka-san in here" Shinobu-san responded with "Okay I'll do my best Kocho-san!" I said loudly without realizing "No need to yell kamado-san" Kocho-san said softly "Oh, sorry" I don't realize when I'm yelling for some reason... "You're okay Kamado-san, I'll be back," Said Kocho-san

2 minutes later still tanjiro's POV

I Notice Tomioka-san run in "Tanjiro-san! you're okay!" Tomioka-san says loudly but happily He's smiling? for me? I just smiled back at him not mentioning his smile but Kocho-san walked in and said "Wow Tomioka-san that's the happiest you've looked in a while, surpri-" before she was cut off by Tomioka-san saying "Shut it Kocho... I don't need your sarcasm right now" "Oh okay then" said Kocho-san with a surprised tone that matched her expression and she walked out of the room to let us talk "Tomioka-san?" I start the conversation not knowing how badly this conversation could go "Yes Tanjiro-san?" He responded quickly "Do you remember what we were talking about before I passed out?" I asked Tomioka-san and his face seemed to pale if it could go any more pale "Yeah..." He said with hesitation and with a worried tone which is unusual "Could you tell me again?" I asked softly to not worry him any more than he already is 

No one's POV

"It was the fact that..." Tomioka-san cut himself off trying not to worry Tanjiro out of her mind "Tomioka-san?"Tanjiro said with a puzzled tone, But Tomioka just mumbled "Tomioka-san I couldn't hear you you're mumbling" Tomioka just sighed softly and held his breath for a moment "The conversation was about the fact that... you could be..." Tomioka kept holding his breath and biting his tongue but with what he said the memory came back and tanjiro went a soft red "Don't worry Tomioka-san, I remember now.." Said Tanjiro "Oh.. okay.."Tanjiro tried not to start crying there and then but he didn't make it and started crying and failed to hide it from Tomioka "Tanjiro, are you okay?" he said quietly as to not pull attention to them

Tanjiro's POV

I can't stop crying, Ah shit, Tomioka-san noticed "I..." I just stopped talking cause I just didn't know what to say but instead of stopping I just started crying harder... Tomioka-san pulled me into his chest and I just started bawling my eyes out, crying so hard that my throat started hurting and my eyes were red from crying so hard, if it wasn't for him I most likely would have been screaming my lungs out into the pillow "It's okay tanjiro-san..." Tomioka-san said so softly it was comforting I was still crying not able to stop but I had calmed down a bit, I let go for a moment and looked at him and noticed he was softly crying as well "Tomioka-san?" I said softly, with a hoarse voice from yelling into Tomioka-san's chest "Yes tanjiro-san?" Tomioka-san responded but he didn't sound like he was crying "your crying..." I said "Oh..." Tomioka-san responded and went to clean his face up from crying but I grabbed his hand and put his hand around me "I- Tanjiro-san?!" Tomioka-san said, I didn't respond to him... "I don't want you thinking you can't express emotion around me..." I said softly "I- Tanjiro-san..." Tomioka-san said with his voice breaking and he started crying on me "I'm sorry, but thank you... Tanjiro-san" Tomioka-san studdered it was a bit difficult to Decipher but I could tell a few sounds which helped, I wasn't exactly sure why it was so hard to understand but I did in the end so whatever "Of course Tomioka-san anything I could do to help hun," I said not realizing I called him hun in front of both Kocho-san and Aoi-san "You two are dating?!" Aoi-san said "Huh?" I responded with "You just called him hun" Said Aoi-san "I- I did?!" I softly yelled my voice being hoarse I tried to be as quiet as possible "Yeah... you did tanjiro-san" Tomioka-san said while being slightly red "I- I- Umm..." My face went as red as my long, soft hair Which surprised everyone in the room "Umm Kamado-san are you okay?" asked Kocho-san "I- I'm not sure..." My hesitation caught Tomioka-san and he immediately put his guard up for me, Kocho-san and Aoi-san left the room, which gave me a minute to calm down "You okay love?" I looked at him immediately after he called me love "Love?" I repeated trying to tell if he just made a mistake in the wording "Yes that's what I called you" My face went even brighter than it was "What's wrong with calling you love, Tanjiro-san?" Tomioka-san said not realizing my face is abnormally red "I- I just am not used to you calling me that..." I said quickly and stuttering most of it 

No one's POV

Tomioka pinned tanjiro to her bed "T-Tomioka-san!?" Tanjiro said in surprise at what Tomioka was doing Tomioka kissed Tanjiro and Tanjiro tried to push him off but fell into his kiss before he could. It was a soft sexual kiss (Also known as a French kiss) and tanjiro's body just collapsed underneath Tomioka letting him do whatever to him after a minute Tomioka broke the kiss "There, love" Tanjiro's face was very red now but her body couldn't help but want more but Tomioka got off and laid Tanjiro on top of him and let her sleep

OKAY ending this here cause this is at 1050+ words here- love you guys and I am sorry for not updating this... I have been so focused on school and spending more time with my family and friends that I have forgotten about the story for a while now that we are at 1100 words goodbye

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