Healing pt 2 (Cause Idk XD)

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5 hours after the last part

Tanjiro's POV

I had woken up on Tomioka-san's lap "Huh?" I mumbled not noticing Tomioka-san was already awake "Oh, Good morning Tanjiro-san" Tomioka-san said in a very calm and soft voice which made me slightly blush "Good morning Tomioka-san- Wait it's already morning?" I said and heard Tomioka-san giggle which normally doesn't happen which made me go a brighter red but it's just barely noticeable "Are you okay? you're a bit red" Tomioka-san said out of the blue "Oh umm yeah I'm okay-" Just flustered "What's wrong tanjiro-san?" Tomioka-san said with a stern tone "N-Nothing Tomioka-san I'm fine" He got on top of me and held me there "T-Tomioka-san! What are you-" I could feel his lips on mine before I could even finish the sentence, I grabbed the back of his shirt softly holding him in place till I could smell Kocho-san coming and I immediately pushed Tomioka-san off of me "Hello Kamado-san," Kocho-san said as she entered the room "Oh, hello Kocho-san," I said softly but quickly "Tomioka-san you were supposed to go home by now," Kocho-san said softly "umm-" Tomioka-san was going to say something before I cut him off saying "He stayed cause I had asked him to because I was anxious last night" "Oh, okay then," Kocho-san said in response "Tomioka-san may you leave the room that way I could do a checkup on her?" Kocho-san asked "Yeah," Tomioka-san said with his usual tone "Tomioka-san?" I said "Yes Tanjiro-san?" He said with a softer tone but still, pretty cold "Ily" *Ily or ilu means I love you and that is what we used to say I love you to each other when someone was around* "Ily2" I just softly smiled and Kocho-san got confused "Huh?" Kocho-san said without realizing she said it "Sorry Kocho-san but we can't tell you what that means" I just softly giggled at Kocho-san's face and Tomioka-san walked out of the room "Okay then," Kocho-san said shaking off the shock "Well let's get this over" she finished saying "Mhm" I responded with 

After the checkup

"Umm Tanjiro-san," Kocho-san said "Yes Kocho-san" I responded "I'll need to have a little blood from you for a blood test," She said knowing I was a bit startled by needles "Oh- okay..." I responded but by my tone, it was evident I was nervous "Do you want me to bring in Tomioka-san for you?" She asked wondering if it would help "Y-yes please..." I said embarrassed "Tomioka-san!" Not even 2 minutes later Tomioka-san came into the room "What happened?!" "Wow okay, first of all, calm down Nothing is wrong-" I just started grabbing the air in Tomioka-san's direction (Which means either I wanted to cuddle or I needed a hug) and Tomioka-san Walked up to me and hugged me and I just kept him there "Okay-" he said while trying to not giggle at how cute I was and then Tomioka-san realized why he was needed so badly when I gripped his shirt and all he did was comfort me "There all done Kamado-san" I slightly let go of Tomioka-san's shirt but still holding him there "It's okay tanjiro-san it's over," Tomioka-san told me and I softly let go but still wanting him to stay "Okay, okay I'll stay," Tomioka-san says softly


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