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the time flew really fast and I was grateful Minho and Felix were here with me and Ari. It was really late now and Ari was sleeping on my arm.

"What are you going to do now?" Felix asked me

"I don't know. I'm still processing this. The first thing I will have to do is to find a job. I'm lucky that I don't have to pay rent, but I still have to pay electricity and I have to buy a food for me and Ari."

"You don't have to pay the rent? You own the house?" Felix asked me

He still had no idea about my father.

"Well....not exactly." I told him

Minho knew about my situation and looked at me confused. I gave him a look and he understood.

"I don't get it." Felix said

"You don't have to." I told him

He then stopped asking.

"Where will you get a new job?" Minho asked me

"Well, I saw one cafe where they needed some people. I think that's my best shot." I said

"What will you do about her?" Felix asked looking at Ari

"Well, I have to raise her now." I said

"Does she know about your mom?" Minho asked me

"Yes, I told her when she woke up and asked about her." I said as tear dropped from my eye and I started stroking her hair.

We talked about my situation for a while, then I needed to go to the bathroom. I carefully removed my arm and said:
"I'm going to the bathroom, keep an eye on her."
I said and walked away


Jisung walked away and I saw Felix looking at me.
"Why are you looking at me?" I asked confused

"You're not trying to.... you know..... hurt sung, right?" He asked me, clearly kind of scared

"I would never hurt him, Felix. Never." I told him

"I'm sorry, but....I don't really believe you." Felix told me

"And why not? Did I do something to proof that I want to hurt him? Fuck, why does everyone think I'm some mean creature who will kill you just talk with it?! I'm nothing like that, jisung is the only one who sees it. That's why I would never hurt him." I said getting really mad.

Felix didn't know what to say.

"I know things about him you don't. He told them to me, which he didn't tell anyone, not even you."

Felix looked at me confused. I knew right then I fucked up.

"Well, maybe I don't know his personal stuff, but I know a lot about him which you don't. Do you know his favorite color? Favorite animal? His favorite dessert?" Felix told me

He was right. I had no idea about these things.

"I'm not gonna say I'm happy about him being friends with you, because I'm not. I still think it will go badly for him. But I will make sure that will not happen. He's my best friend and he will go trough a lot now, having to take care of his sister, work, go to school and taking care of the house. I don't think your friendship is going to help him." Felix said

I looked at him, I had no idea what to say. But then jisung came back.
"I will go home now sung. I'm sorry I can't be here with you, but I have something to do."
Felix told jisung

"Yeah of course. Sleep well." He told him and hugged him, which made me mad after what Felix had said to me.

He left and jisung went to Ari's bad again. She snuggled back to him and put her head back on his arm, still sleeping.

"You can go home now too Minho." he told me

"no, I'm not leaving." I told him
"Minho where are you going to sleep?"

"On this chair right here. It's pretty comfortable."
"You will mess up your back like this."

"Shut up, I won't"
"Well, if you insist."

Jisung finally said.

Next morning I woke up first and got to see the cutest thing ever. Ari was snuggled up in jisungs arms and he was hugging her. They looked like a squirrel protecting her little peanut. I took a picture to show it to him later. He then woke up. He looked at me and he smiled. God, his morning face was so precious. He carefully left the bed and signaled me to go out.


When we were out of the room, I told him:

"How did you sleep on that "comfortable" chair"
and I laughed at him

"Hey, it wasn't so bad. My back hurt a little, but that will be okay after a while. Let's get some breakfast." He told me

"Oh you can go without me. I'm not hungry, I will stay with Ari." I told him. I did not feel like eating right now

"But jisung, you haven't eaten anything for a long time, you must be hungry." He told me

"Felix brought brownies yesterday. I had some and I'm still full. I'm going back inside and you get something to eat, okay?" I told him

He nodded and went.

What I told him was actually true. Felix did brought brownies yesterday and I had one. So I had meal.

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