Chapter 1

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PREVIEW body hurts. Shit, wait, I'm late for school!

Through the door that leads to a place unknown, a pleasant, familiar smell wafts through, filling the air with a comforting scent. Behind the door, a familiar, soft voice speaks up. "Rina?"

Chapter 1

The sun shines through the curtains, landing on my eyes, which flutter open. A hand goes up, covering my eyes from the blinding rays. Sitting up slowly, I stretch, letting out a soft, gentle yawn as I glance up at the clock that reads 5:48am, whom hangs above my bedroom door, slightly crooked.

Shuffling slightly in bed, my body suddenly aches, a dull, aching pain engulfing my entire body. "Fuck—" I mutter just under my breath as I grab my blanket, tossing it off my lap, exposing the cold, spiking air to my tingling, now revealed skin. "Goddamn, why does my body hurt so much?"

Suddenly realizing the time, I glance back up at the clock frantically, praying quietly my eyes had deceived me. Though, as expected, the clock tells me I have twenty minutes. Twenty minutes to get ready, travel to campus, and get to class.


Cursing out loud once more, I startle my cat which sleeps on my bed in what was once a gentle, serene heap. Frantically scrambling around the room, knocking down many things to the carpeted floor in my crazed dance, I pull on the nearest shirt which had lie draped on my desk chair. I keep on my shorts as I continue muttering words that would guarantee me a spot in hell. "I'm gonna be late—goodbye Mookie!" I scratch my cat's chin gently, who simply meows at me in response. Flying out my bedroom door, I run to the couch to grab my bag, where it lays, simply forgotten about till now.

I slam my front door behind me, adjusting my bag as I stumble to lock the door, my hands shake, working to lock the door. Finally having locked the door, I stuff the keys into my backpack, which hangs on my shoulder, on the verge of slipping off. Realizing I had startled a poor mailman who seems to be in his early thirties, I give a small, apologetic smile to him.

Speed walking past, I run down the stairs, almost tripping due to my carelessness. I ignore the constant ache in my body, which begs me to stop. I can't stop, I don't have time!

Constantly, I check my phone for the time. The minutes appear to be going down faster than what is considered normal, though before I know it, I arrive at my classroom, ten minutes late, hair tussled and clothes crooked.

Panting, I stare at the grand, ominous, towering doors that separate me and the evident "walk of shame" through the classroom. I give a soft sigh before placing my hand on the door, gently pushing it open. I peak my head through the crack before opening it wide, taking a quiet step inside. As I let the door close gently behind me, I stand there awkwardly as I watch the class for a few seconds.

My professor ignores me, simply writing on the board with a quick, almost unreadable handwriting, though a few of my peers glance down to look at me. Their evident stares pierce through my skin and I look down, my cheeks tinged pink. I walk silently and quickly to my respective spot next to Aein and Athea, five rows up. I bite my bottom lip to stop any noise that would disrupt the flow of the class from escaping my lips and I whisper apologies to those I accidentally step on, ignoring the looks of those around me.

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