Chapter 6 | SPECIAL - Kazuko |

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No. Not him. Anything - anyone but him.


Loud footsteps that ring throughout the hallways, his voice loud and powerful. Daunting. The injuries, the words, his actions are still fresh in my mind.

Chapter 6

Music, the music is loud, and it blares, its sound muffled, yet it pounds against the walls of my mind. The blinding lights of the bar create patterns on the ceiling, walls, and floor, and I struggle to see and my eyes strain as I try my hardest not to go blind. I stand mindlessly, clutching the glass filled with the drink someone had bought for me, though it lays untouched and still filled. I stand near the bar, and as I stand there, I watch Koan dance like there's no tomorrow. Girls surrounds themselves, touching me, begging, whining.

"Come on baby, let's go home..."

Hours go by as though they were nothing. People come and go, either sober or not. Koan tries numerous times to get me to join him on the dance floor.

"My brother, loosen up a bit. You've been acting weird lately, ey? What's on your mind?" Koan asks, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. He says this as if it were meant in a joking matter, but I catch the concern in his voice.

"Nothing," I say, knowing full well it's not nothing. "Let's go, it's late, we've been here for a long time already anyway." Koan pouts at me, which I scowl at. "Don't look at me like that, it's so weird." I push his face away, and I hear Koan's muffled laughter behind it. "Fine, you grumpyass," Koan says, his laughter ringing throughout the room.

Koan and I walk towards the exit, Koan's arm back around my shoulder. Wearing a tired expression, I watch as Koan bids goodbye to his few "chicks" (that's what he calls the girls he's "hooked" up with, I think it's an odd term. I just call them girls). I have to practically drag him away and through the exit.

As I finally manage to manhandle Koan out of the bar, we see our ride parked almost a block away. Koan, who I now realize is drunk, is muttering nonsense. I didn't notice earlier, since Koan is already pretty odd in general.

"Hey Kazuko, I really did think you were gay—"

"What the hell are you going on about, dumbass?"

"Weren't you talking to that guy—?"

"He was the goddamn barista, idiot!"

Few more steps forward, Koan crumples over, and next thing I know he's vomiting into a planter on the sidewalk. "Dumbass! You can't do that here—!"

Koan finishes, and lazily looks up at me again, his eyes glazed. "Drinking that much wasn't the best idea," Koan says as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He stops, staring down at his hand once he's gone and done that. Koan frowns, then wipes his hand on a leaf.

"God, you make my head hurt."

"What can I say, big brother?"

I grab Koan by the hair, grabbing a fistful, then drag him to the car, where our chauffeur waits for us patiently. He opens the door, and I force Koan inside before quickly following after him. "Home please, I'm tired." I say to the chauffeur, who simply nods before taking off.

Koan falls asleep, and he reeks of alcohol. I watch as we speed past familiar streets, the broken streetlights illuminating the pathetic and sad roads which have long ago started to decay. Forgotten about for no one cares enough to fix them.

Finally, we arrive back at the mansion. The chauffeur pulls up into the driveway, and before the car fully closes, staff, maids, caretakers, whatever you'd like to call, comes up, tending to Koan. He's carried away, which leaves me.

"Sir, sir—" A caretaker whispers timidly, and the fear is evident in her eyes. "I—"

I look around, and I find everyone is wearing the same scared expression, which means only one thing. My body shakes, trembles. The urge to cry and to curl up in a little pathetic ball is strong.

No. Not him. He said he wouldn't be back until a few years.

"It's okay," I say, almost to myself. I'm escorted back inside the mansion, and I hear him.

Loud footsteps that ring throughout the hallways, his voice loud and powerful. Daunting. The injuries, the words, his actions are still fresh in my mind.

And there, as he stands, standing tall, he sees me. "Kazuko." He says my name calmly, sweetly even, as though he had never caused my family all that pain. As if he wasn't the worst person known to mankind.

I don't speak. What good would come from it anyway?

His face, the corners of his lips tug up, and suddenly, he wears the most unsettling smile I've ever seen. He opens his arms, and looks me dead in the eyes.

"Well? You're not going to welcome your loving father?"

You may repost my story WITH proper credits!!
I apologize for any sort of spelling or grammatical mistakes. If you find any, please let me know about it ASAP.


MY INSTAGRAM : @/sunr4y5

MY TWITTER: @/sunr4ys_

WORDS: 907

Thank you for reading!!

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