Chapter 28

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Everyone rushes upstairs

Rye: what happened !!

Prince:*holding prod* he tried to kill himself *crying* let's take him to the hospital

Roc: *cuts the rope that prod tried to kill himself with*

Lauren: I'm calling Candace

Diggy: I'll cancel my date

Roc: no don't

Diggy: I won't do this to prod there's other days I can go on a date

Lauren: he's right roc


London: hey dig

Diggy: I have to cancel our date

London: why??

Diggy: look prod tried killin himself were taking him to the hospital

London: oh my god!! Me and Alana will meet u there!

Diggy: ok *hangs up*

Ricky: let's go and where's nick??

Rye: he doesn't care anyways

Ricky: there no time to loose let's go

They all leave to the hospital

In Alana's house

London: mom ! Dad!

They both come

Aaron: yes darling

London: we're going to the hospital

Alicia: did someone die??

Alana: no but one of our friends tried killing themselves so we have to see him

Aaron: I hope he's alive

London: me too so will leave

Alicia: ok be careful

Aaron; if there's any niggas who wanna beat u up call me cuz imma beat them

Alana: thx dad

They leave

In the hospital

Doctor:*comes* the family of Craig Crippen

The all stand up

Doctor: he's alive but he's just a little tired and the rope he used wasn't that strong to choke him but his ok

Candace:*running* WHERE'S PROD MY BABY!!

Ricky: calm down he's alive

Candace: I wanna see him

Doctor: u could go in

Candace: oh thank u *she goes in*

Rye: where's ray??

Alana: oh he went out with a bunch of friends that's what he's sis told me

Prince: wait u mean he went to Manchester ?

Alana: wait your telling me he isn't here in London

Prince: well he's sis lives in Manchester

Alana: if he went there why did he keep he's phone with his sis

Roc: this is weird really weird

Alana: will talk about this later now we have another important thing

Inside the room where prod was

Candace:*sits beside him* babe

Prod:*opens his eyes*

Candace: why did u do that why did u want to kill yourself

Prod: no one likes me

Candace: u cant say that prod I don't just like u I love u and you are the last thing I want to loose in life in really sorry for kissing nick I dint mean it I swear I'm so so sorry pls forgive me

Prod:*puts his hands on top of hers* I forgive u

Candace: really!! *kisses him*

Prod: now can I get out of this place I don't like it here !!

Candace: sure baby will take u home guys come in

All come in

Prince: bruh u ok now

Prod: ya man

London: glad that your good

Diggy: yup

Then he go lots of comments I'm happy for u and good that your safe

Prod: I'm going back home today

Ricky: will take u home

Prod: ok

He gets ready and they all go back to Ricky's house


what did ray have to do in Manchester will see in the next Chap!

Ugh I feel this story isn't that cool like u ppl don't like it i dont know why well if I don't see lots of ppl liking it I'll delete the story

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