Chapter 12

532 11 1

Back in L.A

Rye: do u know why Candace is crying??

Prince: she's cryin!

Ray: why is she crying ??

Rye:"-.-" gave that look* I just asked why she cried

Prod:*yelling* GET THE F*** AWAY FROM ME *storms out of the house*

A/N:( Chris went back home)

Roc: what in the world is going on??

Lauren: can someone explain what's going on??

Candace:*comes out of the room with a guy*

Rye: who is this??

Candace: my boyfriend

Everyone: what!!!

Boy: I'll see ya later babe *leaves*

Roc: hmm I think I know what happened this guy was with her in the room sooo prod knows u cheated on him

Ray: why did u cheat on him??

Candace: cuz *sniffs* well I just don't like prod ok! I wanted him to be with me so my ex would be jealous and come back to me

Prince: your useless

Lauren: I agree poor prod

Ray: I'll go look for him*grabs his jacket and leaves*

Everyone walks away and leave Candace crying

Back in England

In the Restaurant

Ayesha: I'm so happy my best friend is back

Blake: yup I'm having the best time today

Ayesha: same here

Alana: I kinda miss L.A but it's ok would u excuse me guys I need to use the restroom *walks away*

After 12mins coming back but a guy accidentally spills juice on her shirt

???: I'm so so sorry

Alana:*takes tissues out of her pocket and wipes the juice off* it's ok

???:*looking at her*

Alana:*look at him* why staring at me like that ??

???: I saw u somewhere oh yes in the plane

Alana: oh ya!!

???: let me introduce myself since we saw each other 2 times I'm Ricky

Alana: I'm Alana *shakes hands* nice to meet ya

Ricky: ya me too wanna exchange numbers so we could be friends?

Alana: sure *they exchange numbers* so call me maybe !

Ricky: ok*walks away*

Alana:*walks back to her table*

Blake: what took u so long did u do number 1 or number 2

Alana: shut up

They all laugh

A/N:( If u dint know what's number one or two number one is pee and number two is poop lol I act weird sometimes :P)

Ayesha: it's getting too late we gotta head back home

They leave the restaurant and they drive back home

Back in L.A

In the park

Ray: prod don't cry over someone who cheated on u

Prod:*wipes tears* your right she's not worth it

Ray: let's go buy some chicken

Prod: yea buddy !!!

They both walk off to KFC

Back in Mb's house

Candace's POV

What I did was wrong and stupid ugh! Why did I cheat on him now everyone hates me! Tomorrow is gonna be an awkward day no one is gonna talk to me oh well it means i just have Chris his the only one who doesn't know I'll just be friends with him

End of POV


Not a cool chappie =/ oh well more drama coming up pls like my story and fan me

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