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two, messages & real life

( chloe ~ Chloe Russell
cody ~ cody, my love )

cody, my love
Wtf is Cora's story about?

Chloe Russell
what story?

cody, my love
The story Cora put up, you were
literally all over Alex?
Why did you even have a party
without me being there?
Was it so you could hang out with
other guys and it looks normal?
The fuck is wrong with you.

Chloe Russell
that's unfair, you told me you
were coming.
i was drunk and alex was making
sure i was safe, that's what you
want isn't it? x

cody, my love
I would've preferred him
not to touch you.

Chloe Russell
okay sorry, i just couldn't
stand in my heels x

cody, my love
Stop with the excuses.
I don't care it's sorted now.
read 8:43


after the messages with cody had got her a bit riled up, she decided it was time to officially wake up instead of lazily sit on her phone, in doing so, the brunette slipped out of the large bed she shared with her best friend, groaning as she instantly felt her head banging. chloe checked herself in the mirror, grateful she always kept pyjamas at george's house. her appearance wasn't the best but for being extremely hungover she felt she looked presentable. at that, she walked out the room, carefully pulling the door shut behind her making a point not to wake cora, or anyone else in the house, up from there much needed slumber. her eyes squinted as she walked straight out into the main living area, where a light had either been left on or someone else was awake.

"what time is it?" chloe muttered, the question more to herself seeing as she wasn't sure if she even had company.

"nine," the voice, who she knew belonged to alex, replied, his voice deeper then usual. she presumed that was due to the early morning, "it's early for you, you're usually not up until midday."

she laughed lightly at his comment, "when you sleep in the same bed as cora," she paused thinking of her best friend, "you're lucky to get sleep."

with that alex laughed with her, "would you like a tea, or anything for a drink?"

"no, i'm okay thank you," chloe took a seat beside him, the messages with her boyfriend playing in her head, instead of going along with his idea of what happened, she decided to ignore his opinion, "thank you for last night."

"what are you thanking me for, trying to fuck you and for putting my hands all over you?" he joked, the girls heart stopped.

"is that what he meant by 'its sorted'," she questioned the man sat beside her and when she saw him nod, she felt a wave of emotions, "why the fuck does he do things like this, i'm so sorry."

"it's okay, as long as you don't think what he does it's okay." alex reassures.

"i wouldn't have ever thought that," she shook her head at the thought of her boyfriend, "i'm going to see him, please may you tell george i'm borrowing his car."

before alex even had time to say anything she grabbed the keys and a random jumper which lay across the counter, pulling it over her head, and then leaving the apartment, this time not being as careful with the sound the door made.


chloe pulls up to her shared apartment with cody, the tires screeching as she pulls the brake, calling the car to a stop. she gets out the car slamming the door before running up to the apartment she owned, rummaging in her pocket for her keys, when she found them she got them out her pocket and unlocked the door in front of her. when she was inside she made her way straight to the bedroom and when she opened the door her heart dropped.

looking around for anything to throw she saw the closest thing to her, a photo frame with a picture of her and cody, she looked happy but previous to that photo they had just had a massive argument. she snatched it up throwing it to the floor, the glass covering the picture smashing. waking up both him and the other woman that lay beside him in bed. when they looked at her all they saw was a straight face, almost looked bored, with very few tears running down her face.

the blonde girl that shot up in the bed looked panicked, turning to look at the calm man next to her quietly asking, "cody, who is she?"

it wasn't quiet enough though, chloe answering before he even had a chance, "i'm his girlfriend."

"omg i am so sorry, what the fuck cody." the girl panics about to jump out the bed before releasing she had lost her clothes somewhere in the room. chloe noticed what she was looking for but not wanting to wait she went to her own draws getting the girl one of her outfits to wear, the girl took them gratefully changing as quick as she could before rushing out the bed, "thank you so much, i am so sorry i promise."

"it's okay baby," chloe smiles softly at the girl, guiding her out the bedroom before shutting the door, "what's not ok though, is that we are still together," she paused before raising her voice, "whilst you're fucking other girls."

"don't even start." cody groans falling back onto his pillow.

"what the fuck do you mean, don't start? i've just walked in on you shagging some random girl and you're telling me don't start?" the girl complains, rage boiling in her blood at the audacity this man had.

"oh so your trying to tell me you didn't suck his fucking cock last night." he rolled his eyes, acting as if he knew everything.

"whose? alex's?" she yells back, "you're so fucking insecure it's an actual joke."

"you didn't deny it." he instantly retorts.

"because you should know i would never even consider doing that to you, and even if i did, it wouldn't even compared to what you've done behind my back," the words leaving her lips became all a bit too real, "in our bed too you fucking dickhead."

"don't even put this all on me you slut." he yells back, standing up and slamming his fist on the table beside him, she flinched slightly, greatful it was the table and not her, "how about those slags who chose to sleep with me?"

"did you tell them about me?" she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear, "did you tell them about me, yes or no cody?" she yells, after a long moment with no response, her voice cracking slightly.

"no, of course i fucking didn't." he scoffed after a silence fell amongst them.

"so don't you dare call them slags when you fucked them over just as much as you have me." she shouts at him, backing the girls that she'd never even met, defending the girls who got with her boyfriend.

"i don't even wanna be fucking dealing with this right now." cody rolled his head back, acting like a teenager.

"fine, don't." she says simply, "call me when your ready, but don't expect me to be waiting." and with that, she left, on her way out she looked for any trace of the girl who she found but she was no where to be seen, chloe smiled realising the girl had left and she respected her for that.


𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙨 !
hey baes,
hope you appreciate this ifffyyyy chapter,
it's my birthday!!! idk just thought i'd lyk! anyways this is really short 😭 and i don't know if i like it??? anyways still hope u enjoyed :)
- ru (@moonysmaps)

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