[Taekook] Sugar Baby

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Synopsis :-

Kim Taehyung, the spoilt rich brat and Jeon Jungkook the struggling star student of the university, who never really has enough money to even buy lunch from the cafeteria sometimes, hate each other's guts. Not one day goes by when one of them isn't at the throat of the other. But attraction? That's a different story. So what happens when Taehyung finally gives in to the voices in his head and ends up offering Jungkook a deal to become his sugar baby?

• Enemies to lovers (...?)
• Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby AU
• University setting
• Power bottom Taehyung/adorable Top Jungkook
• Taekook have all the same classes.
• Jungkook gets mocked for being poor‼️
• Taehyung is wearing a mask of being a bully, why? ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) you won't find out in this part.
• No smut but um mature contents ❗
• The story is left on a cliffhanger
• There won't be another part but this might turn into an independent book of its own in the future [but don't wait for it ( '・ω・)]

Dedicated to misoo_taekook


Third Person P.O.V :-

Jungkook looked down at his empty wallet and sighed,"Dear lord, why am I so broke?!" He cried out in frustration while throwing his head back. His hands clutching down onto the empty wallet.

"What's up? Cat got your money, Jungkook?" Taehyung called out from the side of the classroom and snickered with his group of friends who started laughing at his words and giving him high fives.

Jungkook shot Taehyung a murderous glare,"You're such a brat!" He spat,"Stop laughing at my misery, Taehyung!" He yelled angrily and slammed a fist onto the desk in front of him,"You're so privileged, you'll never understand my frustrations!" He whined as he rubbed his sore fist from the impact.

Taehyung gave Jungkook an amused smirk,"It's all your fault to be honest~" He sang out loud arrogantly,"You get awarded so much money from winning all those sports events but then you use all of it up for food" He uttered with ease and showed his tongue to Jungkook, making a few of his friends laugh at his behavior.

"And what about you, Taehyung?" Jungkook spoke while rolling his eyes. "You're born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you don't have a worry in the world!" Jungkook sneered and spat out. "Your parents just keep showering you with money" He added with a shake of his head. It took every effort to not punch that brat in the face.

Taehyung clicked his tongue in annoyance,"And so what? Ever heard about survival of the fittest? The world runs on a 'eat or be eaten' principle, the sooner you'll get that through your head, the better" Taehyung shrugged and walked past Jungkook,"Come on, guys! Let's go to the cafeteria, unlike someone else, we actually have the money to afford the food" He laughed at his own joke and called his group of friends to go along with him.

"Tch! You're so annoying!" Jungkook whined and watched as Taehyung and his stupid friends walked away, leaving him behind. "How could someone be so smug and arrogant like this?! He was literally born into wealth" Jungkook whined as he watched Taehyung walk away.

'I can't believe that brat is so arrogant while having wealth and privilege, he's honestly the worst and doesn't even deserve his family's money. He acts like he's so much better than others but in reality he's just a spoiled, arrogant rich brat!' Jungkook thought angrily and stormed off in the other direction.

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