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Delilah smiled widely as Ruby ran outside to her, Lizzie leaning against the door frame. "Hello, you" she whispered, picking the girl up.

Lizzie softly smiled at the two.

"I got you a present," Delilah told her, placing her back down as they got into the house.

"That's nice, isn't it Ruby" Lizzie said. "She's not been well, she's got a cold" Lizzie said, closing the door over. Delilah nodded and followed the girl into the big room.

"Charles," She said, "sit down you two"

"Okay, so Charlie. I heard that you've started dressings like Dad. And i know someone in New York who makes the best suits in the country." she grinned, handing him the box. "So i thought, i'd get you one,"

A wide grin was displayed on his face as he felt the fabric of the suit.

Ruby sat patiently and Delilah finally handed her the box which had a white ribbon on it. A gasp left Ruby's mouth as she looked at the black dress with small jewels lining the top.

"Thank you," she exclaimed.


"Ruby's temperature has gone really high, she's coughing as well" Lizzie said. Delilah looked at her with worry. "Guess i can't take her riding anymore then,"

"I'll go riding, Delilah please take me" Charlie begged.

She looked at Lizzie and she nodded. "Come on then,"


Tommy groaned, walking to answer the phone. "Yea?" he asked. "Yes i'll accept the call."

"Hello, Lizzie"

"Tommy, it's ruby she's not well, she's got a temperature of 101 the doctors just left." she said quietly. "What did he say?" he asked. "He says he thinks it's flu but he's gonna come later to check on her, she's been coughing..Tommy he says it's not a good idea for us to travel, we can't board that ship to Boston today,"

"That's all right, Lizzie, don't worry" Tom glanced at the whore who was collecting her things.

"Don't worry you just stay there for now and get her better and..can i speak to her?"

"She's sleeping."

"Yeah, we'll let her sleep. Let her sleep. Lizzie i have a bit more business to do here. Look, you just book a new passage when Ruby's feeling better, doesn't matter if you don't get here for Christmas. Just get here"

Lizzie lit a cigarette. "And then i'll get this business done. You get here with the kids and then no more. It'll just be us and the clean air out in the West. I found a place in the mountains. There'll be snow"

"Delilah came home with Madeline and Isiah, brought the kids presents. They loved them,"

Lizzie smiled slightly. "That's nice..tell Ruby i'll build her a snow man. How long has she been coughing"

"A few days. She's been out running wild with Johnny Dogs' kids out in the cold by the river." Lizzie sighed. "Are you okay Tommy? Your voice it sounds different"

"It's just cold. I'll get this business done in Boston and that'll be the end of it. Then i just want to..just want to pick Ruby up and hold her in me arms, you know, i miss the weight of carrying her."

"I gave her the presents early, she loves them. Last night, she was burning up, she was delirious. She kept talking. Johnnys kids have been teaching her to speak Gypsy" she turned to the window.

"Teaching her to rob and steal more like" Tommy laughed.

"When she was delirious, she kept saying these words. 'Tickner Maura, Tickner Maura, O Beng O Beng' over and over again" she said.

Tommy sat straight.

"What, Lizzie, what did you say, what did ruby say?"

"Tickna Maura, something like that?"

"Did she say any other words that you didn't understand?" he asked. "O Beng, i don't know"

"No, Lizzie did she say any other words in Romany? Fucking listen to me" he shouted. "I don't know Romany words, Tommy,  i don't think so"

"Just 'Tickna Maura' and 'O Beng'?" he asked. "Yes"

"Did she see anything when she was burning up, what could she see?" Tommy paced. "Fuck" she whispered. "Lizzie please just answer the fucking question" he shouted. "She said she could see a man. A man with green eyes, she was delirious she was burning up. What the fuck is the matter?"

"All right, Lizzie i'm coming home."

"Tommy it's just a fever, love"

"Listen i'm coming home on the next steamer. You keep her out of school, keep her away from the river, don't let her ride or go near a horse"

Lizzie sighed.

"Tell Johnny Dogs and his wives what she's been saying. Do you hear me? Tell Johnnys eldest wife to put a Black Madonna around her neck" he shouted.

"You listen to Esmeralda the same way you listen to a fucking doctor"

"Fucking Gypsy stuff" Lizzie held her head. "Yes it is Gypsy stuff, Lizzie! Yes it fucking is" he shouted loudly. "Get curly there. Tell him to stay in the stables with Ruby's horses. And you do everything that Johnny Dogs and his wives fucking tell you. Do you understand me? I'm sorry Lizzie do you understand?"

"Okay" she sighed. " I'll do it"

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