12) A view to kill

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Stefan called Klaus and Violet for help to look after Damon. Stefan went down to the cellar and saw Damon. "You going to snap my neck again" Damon asked.

"Because I woke up feeling completely un murderous and I'm pretty sure that it's safe to set me free" Damon said and Stefan tossed him a vile of blood. "Aw man really" Damon asked.

"You practically bled me dry at least spring for a bag or something I'm thirsty" Damon said.

Stefan shown him some water and scooted it closer to his side. "Not exactly what I had in mind" Damon said and got up going towards the water when Klaus and Violet made their appearance known.

"Hello mate" Klaus said. "Hey dad you don't look so good" Violet said. "What are you two doing here" Damon asked. "Babysitting" Klaus said. 

"Oh" Damon said. "Give him a vial of blood every couple of hours so he doesn't desiccate if he gets too much strength back or if he just annoys you bleed him out again" Stefan said. "Silent treatment huh" Demon said. 

"Is that your best shot" Damon asked. "He's still mad at me for sleeping with Elena" Damon said.

"Okay I didn't need to hear that" Violet said. "Are you sure about that" Klaus asked.

"Because I caught him trying to sneak out of Rebekah's bed this morning which would suggest to me that he's moved on" Klaus said. "Well, well looks like my brother ripped out a page of my revenge sex handbook" Damon said.

"Well why don't you two enjoy your little uh Gillian bonding time with Violet, I'll let you know when I get the dagger from Rebekah" Stefan said to Klaus and left.

"You're really going to dagger Kol are you kidding me" Violet said to Klaus. "May not have a choice love" Klaus said.


Damon and Violet were leaned up in the cell while Damon was lying down.

"You know none of this would be an issue If you'd just have done your job properly, I was perfectly willing to let you train Jeremy" Klaus said. 

"Yeah right" Violet said. "No, you weren't, are you kidding you got there on day two" Damon said.

"Do you know how hard it is to get these x box brains to focus" Damon asked. "And when I turned a room full of barflies into vampires for him to slaughter you let Kol kill them" Klaus said.

"Your brother was trying to save your life but yet you refuse to listen" Violet told Klaus. "Your brother problem not mine buddy" Damon told Klaus. 

"And whose bright idea was it to settle Jeremy with a conscience hmm" Klaus asked.

"Well, we couldn't have him trying to stake Elena in her sleep now could we" Damon said. "Ah yes for the love of Elena" Klaus said.

"How is it she manages to overlook every horrific thing you've ever done is it willful ignorance or perhaps something more pathological" Klaus asked.

"Some people are just more capable of forgiveness than others bet you score about a negative 500 in that realm" Damon said.

"Come on there must be a secret it can't just be the sire bond" Klaus said. "What is it compulsion manipulation what is it you say to her" Klaus asked Damon making Damon realize something.

"Vi sweetie can you give us a moment" Damon asked.

"And try not to use your vamp hearing your dad needs a talk with the big bad hybrid" Damon told her.

"Sure" Violet said and left. "Now I get it" Damon said and sat up.

"I think this has something to do with a certain dark-haired heretic also known as my daughter I think you murdered Carol Lockwood and I think that you're worried that Violet's never going to forgive you" Damon said.

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