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THE FIREPLACE LIT UP the small living room of her cabin with a dim orange glow, and the occasional crackle of the wood bending to the wills of the fire echoing throughout the quiet cabin as she stared at his form with wide eyes. He was awake, very unbearably so and she couldn't help the flood of embarrassment that coursed through her body as she stood only a few feet away from him, her cheeks red and her body as nude as the day she left her mother's womb.

She had a perfectly reasonable explanation for this sudden exhibition of nudity, really.

After she had tended to his wounds she thought to take a quick shower, after all, she'd spent hours cleaning his blood and she didn't like the idea of being soiled by the blood of another. Then by some random throe of misfortune, she realized she'd forgotten a towel and clothing once she stepped out of the shower, how she did that knowing a stranger slept nearby, she couldn't tell you, perhaps bad luck? Instead of throwing on the blood-soiled clothing she'd taken off before her shower, she figured she could make a mad dash for her room that stood only feet away.

Not the best idea, but it was all she had.

What she didn't expect was her room to be locked from the inside as if by some great curse of the universe, and even less so the wide and thoroughly surprised gaze of the very much awake hunk of a man who sat under a bundle of blankets and wrapped in bandages. It was only for a moment, his piercing silver gaze swirled with an unbridled surprise before he quickly turned his head away from her nude form and stared straight at the entrance of her door. His body remained stiff and she couldn't decide what was even more embarrassing, his lack of words or her nudity.

"My room door. It's locked." She explained hotly, unable to move an inch as her hand made another feeble attempt to open the damned door. The click of her door opening with ease as if it had never been locked in the first place echoed throughout her small cabin, and the heat of shame coursed through her body as she realized how it looked.

He probably thought she was some crazy exhibitionist.

She quickly went into her room and closed the door loudly behind her, breathing hard in panic as her heart raced. She stared down at her nude self, nipples pebbled against the cold air and drops of water falling down her skin as she breathed heavily.

How embarrassing.


She had housed many in her cabin over the years, different characters and personalities came and went without a problem. Weary travelers both men and women stopped by for a place of rest and a bite to eat, her home was in the middle of every great nation and village. Secluded within neutral land that no one owned, she lived happily amongst the silence of nature and she always preferred it that way.

Her parents had long since moved away from the humble cabin she grew up in, claiming their heart to the bustling life of their old village and practically begging her to join them. But she stayed behind, promising them she'd be alright and she was old enough to manage on her own. She did. She fed off the life of the earth and maintained a gentle living for herself over the years.

It was peaceful.


Her life overall, was quite mundane. Mediocre at best.

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